斉藤由貴 - Julia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 斉藤由貴 - Julia

頬つえをつくと サイドミラーに のぞく私 夢見てる
I put my face on the side of my hand as I watch myself in the side mirror and I dream.
なだらかな坂 ゆるいカーブ タメ息がでちゃう
On a gradual slope and gentle curve, I can’t help but sigh.
さり気ない顔 何気ないふり
An expressionless face and indifferent attitude,
カーオーディオ 指さし方も
My fingers on the car audio, I point in every which way.
“Do you like bossa nova?” “I don’t dislike it”.
だけど この歌手 好きじゃないのホントは...
But actually, I really don’t like this singer.
Julia, she didn’t let anyone tie her down.
Selfish and whimsical, she lived as she pleased.
That’s not to say that worldly matters are so easily
Dealt with, even for a Julia.
山頂につくと 二人車を降りて ひとつ深呼吸
When we reached the peak, we both got out of the car and took a deep breath.
音が消えたら なんだか微妙なニュアンス 嫌だわ
As the sound ends, an awkward atmosphere remains. I hate it,
言いたげな顔 気付かないふり
An expression that implies something, turning a blind eye.
遥か残る 雪を見ていた
Far in the distance, I watched the snow.
「いい天気だね?」「そうね 今日はとても」
“Isn’t it a beautiful day?” “Yes, it certainly is.”
だけど 無意味ね その気なんかないのに
But meaningless, since I don’t feel that way anyway,
Julia, her mind was elsewhere,
Her white hat flies away.
That’s not to say that worldly matters are so easily
Dealt with, even for a Julia.
Over and over again, Julia sings,
On a sunny day, she reaches a deadlock,
That’s not to say that worldly matters are so easily
Dealt with, even for a Julia.

Writer(s): 斉藤 由貴, 岡本 朗, 斉藤 由貴, 岡本 朗

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