On the way, I thought what fascinated you, butterflies that alight intend to fly away
一路以為什麼吸引著您 原來蝴蝶坐得久都要飛
On the way, I thought what fascinated you, butterflies that alight intend to fly away
或者花粉太濃太敏感刺鼻 甜蜜您受不起
Or maybe the pollens are too rich, too sensitive, and cause nose irritation you can't tolerate
當大自然定出戀愛道理 和誰緣份到打開心扉
When nature sets the rules of love, with whom I'm fated to open my heart
太愛慕您的萬紫千紅 位置有多失利其實是因您歡喜
Too in love with your resplendent beauty, my location may be unfavorable but it's because you like it
誰感動您心就在這一秒內 隨心中喜愛停留在那片花瓣上
Whose heart you moved in that instant, among all the petals, it's your favorite to linger on
天或會知為什您不瞅不睬 談一刻戀愛然後再想那朵花可得您欣賞
The heaven may know why you ignore me, fall in love for a moment then wonder if that flower would be favored by you
蝴蝶從來都喜歡飛舞 呆站破舊盆栽等待您的擁抱
Butterflies have always loved to flutter, stay put in the timeworn pot awaiting your embrace
當大自然定出戀愛道理 和誰緣份到打開心扉
When nature sets the rules of love, with whom I'm fated to open my heart
更仰慕您只會更驕傲 位置有多失利難道就有了轉機
I admire you even more and I'll only become prouder, my location may be unfavorable but perhaps there's a turning point
誰感動您心就在這一秒內 隨心中喜愛停留在那片花瓣上
Whose heart you moved in that instant, among all the petals, it's your favorite to linger on
天或會知為什您不瞅不睬 多麼不忿您為何人見人愛
The heaven may know why you ignore me, how resentful I am that you are so charming
幾多秒未上心就望下一刻精彩 求頃刻愛戀收放自如隨時隨地飛天遁地
How many seconds before my heart moves on to the next thrill, in search of a love that can be given and taken freely, flying to the heavens or burrowing into the earth as I wish
蝴蝶從來都喜歡飛舞 仍能燦爛我豈可就此蒼老
Butterflies have always loved to flutter, still I can bloom radiantly, how can I allow myself to grow old?
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