王菀之 - 一秒感動 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 王菀之 - 一秒感動

One Second of Emotion
一路以為什麼吸引著您 原來蝴蝶坐得久都要飛
All along, I wondered what drew you in,Now I understand that even a butterfly that lingers long enough will take flight.
一路以為什麼吸引著您 原來蝴蝶坐得久都要飛
All along, I wondered what drew you in,Now I understand that even a butterfly that lingers long enough will take flight.
或者花粉太濃太敏感刺鼻 甜蜜您受不起
Perhaps the pollen is too thick, too pungent to your senses,Its sweetness is overwhelming to you.
當大自然定出戀愛道理 和誰緣份到打開心扉
When nature dictates the rules of love,With whom will your fate lead you to open your heart?
太愛慕您的萬紫千紅 位置有多失利其實是因您歡喜
I admire your vibrant beauty,My position may be disadvantageous, but it is because of your capricious nature.
誰感動您心就在這一秒內 隨心中喜愛停留在那片花瓣上
Who captures your heart in this fleeting moment,Whose love lingers on your petal like a bee on a flower?
天或會知為什您不瞅不睬 談一刻戀愛然後再想那朵花可得您欣賞
Perhaps the heavens know why you do not glance my way,A moment of love, then a pondering of the flower that truly captivates you.
蝴蝶從來都喜歡飛舞 呆站破舊盆栽等待您的擁抱
Butterflies are creatures of flight,I will patiently await your embrace, even in this broken pot.
當大自然定出戀愛道理 和誰緣份到打開心扉
When nature dictates the rules of love,With whom will your fate lead you to open your heart?
更仰慕您只會更驕傲 位置有多失利難道就有了轉機
My admiration for you only grows,Could my disadvantageous position bring about a chance?
誰感動您心就在這一秒內 隨心中喜愛停留在那片花瓣上
Who captures your heart in this fleeting moment,Whose love lingers on your petal like a bee on a flower?
天或會知為什您不瞅不睬 多麼不忿您為何人見人愛
Perhaps the heavens know why you do not glance my way,How can I not be resentful when you enchant all who behold you?
幾多秒未上心就望下一刻精彩 求頃刻愛戀收放自如隨時隨地飛天遁地
Moments pass me by as I seek the next thrilling experience,Yearning for a love that is fleeting and free as a bird.
蝴蝶從來都喜歡飛舞 仍能燦爛我豈可就此蒼老
Butterflies are creatures of flight,I will bloom brilliantly, I will not succumb to despair.

Writer(s): Wang Wan Zhi, 王 宛之, 王 宛之

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