王菀之 - 冬夢 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 王菀之 - 冬夢

Winter Dream
一條黃絲帶 幾個沉默冬天的距離
A yellow ribbon, a distance of silent winters
樹梢的寧靜 怕你眼底成灰燼
The calm of the treetops, I fear your eyes will turn to ashes
A sigh in the pillow
每次以為 醒來就能看見你
Every time I thought, when I wake up I'll see you
熱烈的寂寞 時時刻刻都叫人分心
Fervent loneliness, it constantly distracts
夜晚是隻貓 時間冰凍在瞳孔裡
The night is a cat, time frozen in its pupils
Memories instantly become memories
星星都亮了 還走不出一顆心的空隙
The stars light up, but I cannot escape the void of a heart
讓我 靠著你跳舞 轉個圈 貼著你勇敢的哭泣
Let me, lean on you, dance, spin around, cry bravely against you
讓我 跟著你旅行 就算是 最後才發現是夢境
Let me, follow you, travel, even if in the end I find it is a dream
除了這裡 哪都不去
Except for here, I will go nowhere
讓我 靠著你跳舞 轉個圈 貼著你勇敢的哭泣
Let me, lean on you, dance, spin around, cry bravely against you
讓我 跟著你旅行 就算是 最後才發現是夢境
Let me, follow you, travel, even if in the end I find it is a dream
I will still persist
牽著你衣角 望著天 在漫天煙火中呼吸
Holding onto the corner of your shirt, looking at the sky, breathing amidst the fireworks
再讓我 看著你微笑 就算是 最後才發現是幻影
Let me, see you smile, even if in the end I find it is an illusion
除了等你 誰都不理
Except for waiting for you, I care for no one

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