王菀之 - 許願池的希臘少女 - 國 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 王菀之 - 許願池的希臘少女 - 國

許願池的希臘少女 - 國
Fountain Pool's Greek Girl - Kingdom
左岸的一座 白色環形階梯
On the left bank is a white circular staircase
浪人正在 用和絃練習憂鬱
where a vagabond is practicing melancholy with his guitar.
晨曦下的少女 聽著吉他旋律
The girl under the dawn is listening to the melody of the guitar
在許願池邊 巴洛克式的嘆息
by the wishing pool, sighing in a Baroque fashion.
少女手中 的銀幣 想要愛情
The girl's silver coin in her hand is for love.
她的秘密 地中海 湛藍色的希臘婚禮
Her secret is the azure Greek wedding on the Mediterranean.
蒙馬特丘陵 叼煙斗男性
On the Montmarte Hill, the smoking pipe man
低頭穿越 前方蜿蜒的孤寂
lowers his head to pass through the meandering loneliness ahead;
對著空氣收集 他新詩的下一句
Collecting the next line of his poem from thin air
遠方少女 跟他一樣在猶豫
The distant girl is as hesitant as he was.
少女手中 的銀幣 沉入池裡
The girl's silver coin in her hand sinks to the bottom of the pool;
她的表情 像漣漪 那麼透明美麗
her expression is as transparent and beautiful as the ripple.
吉他換成 了快樂 的圓舞曲
The guitar changes to a cheerful waltz.
詩人決定 了標題 許願池的希臘少女
The poet finally gives it a title: the Greek Girl of the Wishing Pool.
左岸的一座 白色環形階梯
On the left bank is a white circular staircase
浪人正在 用和絃練習憂鬱
where a vagabond is practicing melancholy with his guitar.
晨曦下的少女 聽著吉他旋律
The girl under the dawn is listening to the melody of the guitar
在許願池邊 巴洛克式的嘆息
by the wishing pool, sighing in a Baroque fashion.
少女手中 的銀幣 沉入池裡
The girl's silver coin in her hand sinks to the bottom of the pool.
她的表情 像漣漪 那麼透明美麗
Her expression is as transparent and beautiful as the ripple.
吉他換成 了快樂 的圓舞曲
The guitar changes to a cheerful waltz.
詩人決定 了標題 許願池的希臘少女
The poet finally gives it a title: the Greek Girl of the Wishing Pool.
少女手中 的銀幣 沉入池裡
The girl's silver coin in her hand sinks to the bottom of the pool.
她的表情 像漣漪 那麼透明美麗
Her expression is as transparent and beautiful as the ripple.
吉他換成 了快樂 的圓舞曲
The guitar changes to a cheerful waltz.
詩人決定 了標題 許願池的希臘少女
The poet finally gives it a title: the Greek Girl of the Wishing Pool.

Writer(s): Jun Lang Huang, Yuen Chi Ivana Wong

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