何韻詩 - 勞斯.萊斯 - traduction des paroles en anglais

勞斯.萊斯 - 何韻詩traduction en anglais

勞斯和萊斯 都是花樣男子
Rolls and Royce are both pretty boys
勞斯 原是個校隊的優秀種子
Rolls was a star player on the school team
萊斯 只喜愛讀書
Royce only liked to read
偏偏他倆 早見晚見 每日著住同樣 純白襯衣
At some point, they met, and every day they happened to wear the same pure white shirt
羅曼史 開場於 相鄰的桌椅
A romance began at neighboring desks
不過二人 不敢放肆
But the two didn't dare to indulge
能成為密友 大概總帶著愛
If they became close friends, it would probably end in love
但做對好兄弟 又如此相愛 旁人會說不該
But to be good brothers, and yet still in love, others would say it's not right
忘形時搭膊 自有一面退開
When they forgot themselves and put their arms around each other, they immediately pulled away
暗裡很享受 卻怕講出來
They secretly enjoyed it, but were afraid to say it
兩眼即使 移開轉開
Even if they looked away
心裡面也知 這是愛
They knew in their hearts that this was love
男子和男子 怎能親密如此
How can two men be so intimate?
勞斯 難面對 卻跟她勾過手指
Rolls found it hard to face, but he hooked his finger with hers
萊斯 偏偏那樣癡
Royce was so infatuated
終於一次 她撲過去 四目對望然後 除下襯衣
Finally, one day, she threw herself at him, their eyes met, and then she took off her shirt
迷惑中 的勞斯 此時先至知
Rolls, who was confused, only then realized
That all along, he had never thought of this good friend as a woman
能成為密友 大概總帶著愛
If they became close friends, it would probably end in love
但做對好兄弟 又如此相愛 旁人會說不該
But to be good brothers, and yet still in love, others would say it's not right
純情何事會 讓這悲劇揭開
Why did innocence have to reveal this tragedy?
他真的很意外 想起相識以來
He was really surprised when he thought back to when they first met
Studying, shopping, listening to music, and watching the sea together
日日也親暱如情侶 底牌終揭開
Every day they were as intimate as lovers, but now the truth was revealed
為何還害怕 若覺得這樣愛
Why were they still afraid? If they felt this way
尚在計算他又是誰 可否愛
He was still wondering: who is he? Can he love?
旁人哪個 接受這種愛
Who in the world would accept this kind of love?
明明絕配 犯眾憎 便放開
They were clearly a perfect match, but they were hated by the public, so they let go
永遠的忍耐 永遠不出來
They endured it forever, and never came out
世界將依然 不變改
The world would remain unchanged
It would only bury more crimes of love
可要像梁祝 那樣愛
Can it be like Liang Zhu, that kind of love?

Writer(s): 青山大樂隊

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