王菲 - 佛说圣佛母般若波罗蜜多经 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 王菲 - 佛说圣佛母般若波罗蜜多经

Sacred Saddharma Pundarika of Buddha Mother
*Sacred Saddharma Pundarika of Buddha Mother*
如是我闻 一时世尊
Thus I heard: At one time the World-Honored One,
In the Vulture Peak Mountain in Rajagriha,
Together with a great assembly of twelve hundred and fifty great bhikkhus,
并诸菩萨摩诃萨众 而共围绕
As well as a multitude of Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas who had gathered around him,
At that time, the World-Honored One,
Entered a profound and luminous samadhi, expounding the Dharma of the Correct Law,
When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Mahasattva, in that assembly of the Buddha,
And this Bodhisattva Mahasattva,
Had already cultivated the profound Prajnaparamita,
Saw that the self-nature of the five skandhas is empty,
尔时尊者舍利子 承佛威神
Then the Venerable Shariputra, relying on the Buddha's威神,
Stepped forward and addressed the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Mahasattva, saying,
Then the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Mahasattva,
乐欲修学者 当云何学
Joyfully aspiring to cultivate, should inquire how to cultivate,
Told the Venerable Shariputra,
You should now listen attentively, and I will expound it for you,
If virtuous men and virtuous women,
Joyfully aspire to cultivate this profound Dharma door of Prajnaparamita,
Should contemplate that the self-nature of the five skandhas is empty,
What is meant by the self-nature of the five skandhas being empty?
所谓即色是空 即空是色
It is said: Form is emptiness, emptiness is form,
色无异于空 空无异于色
Form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form,
Feeling, perception, volition, and consciousness are also like this,
舍利子 此一切法如是空相
Shariputra, all these dharmas are like this, with the mark of emptiness,
无所生 无所灭 无垢染
Without birth, without滅, without defilement,
无清净 无增长 无损减
Without purity, without increase, without decrease,
舍利子 是故空中无色 无受想行识
Shariputra, therefore, in emptiness there is no form, no feeling, no perception, no volition, no consciousness,
无眼耳鼻舌身意 无色声香味触法
No eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind, no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no dharmas,
无眼界 无眼识界 乃至无意界
No realm of eyes, no realm of consciousness of eyes, and up to no realm of consciousness of mind,
无意识界 无无明 无无明尽
No realm of consciousness of no-knowledge, no無明, no exhaustion of無明,
乃至无老死 亦无老死尽
And up to no old age and death, and also no exhaustion of old age and death,
无苦集灭道 无智 无所得 亦无无得
No苦, no集, no滅, no道, no knowledge, no attainment, and also no non-attainment,
舍利子 由是无得故 菩萨摩诃萨
Shariputra, because of this non-attainment, Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas,
Relying on the practice in accordance with Prajnaparamita,
心无所著 亦无挂碍
Their minds have no attachments, and also no hindrances,
以无著无碍故 无有恐怖
Because of no attachments and no hindrances, they have no fear,
远离一切颠倒妄想 究竟圆寂
Far away from all颠倒妄想, ultimately and completely extinguished,
所有三世诸佛 依此般若波罗蜜多故
All the Buddhas of the three periods, relying on this Prajnaparamita,
得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 是故应知
Attain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi, therefore it should be known,
般若波罗蜜多 是广大明
Prajnaparamita is the great enlightenment,
是无上明 是无等等明
It is the supreme enlightenment, it is the unsurpassed enlightenment,
而能息除一切苦恼 是即真实无虚妄法
And it can pacify all苦恼, it is the true and not false Dharma,
诸修学者 当如是学
All cultivators should learn like this,
I now expound the great enlightenment of Prajnaparamita:
Da-zha-(body part)ta-(say a sentence)ong-(say)ti-(say)ti
(say say two)po-(say)luo ti
(say three)po-(say)luo seng ti
(say four)mo ti sha-(say)he-(say five)
舍利子 诸菩萨摩诃萨
Shariputra, all Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas,
If they can recite this Prajnaparamita mantra,
They are cultivating the profound Prajnaparamita,
尔时世尊 从三摩地安详而起
At that time, the World-Honored One arose from samadhi, composed and at ease,
Praised the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Mahasattva, saying,
善哉善哉 善男子
Well said, well said, virtuous man,
如汝所说 如是如是
What you have said is true, so it is, so it is,
般若波罗蜜多 当如是学
Prajnaparamita should be learned like this,
This is the true, supreme, and ultimate,
All Tathagatas also rejoice,
佛说此经已 观自在菩萨摩诃萨 并诸苾刍
When the Buddha had spoken this sutra, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Mahasattva, and also all the bhikkhus,
乃至世间 阿修罗 干闼婆等 一切大众
And up to the世間, 天, 人, 阿修罗, 干闼婆, and all the大众,
闻佛所说皆大欢喜 信受奉行
Having heard the Buddha's words, were all greatly delighted, and believed and accepted them,
*Sacred Saddharma Pundarika of Buddha Mother*

王菲 - Compilation

1 你在我心中
2 浮躁
3 忘掉你像忘掉我
4 棋子
5 Di Dar
6 幽兰操
7 巴黎塔尖
8 容易受伤的女人(粤)
9 如風 (AUTUMN VERSION) - Autumn version
10 奈何
11 执迷不悔
12 人间
13 My Loneliness
14 偿还
15 君心我心
16 只有我自己
17 南海姑娘
18 出路
19 光之翼
20 约定
21 知己知彼
22 流年
23 胡思亂想
24 迷魂記 - 廣東版
25 清平調 - 合唱版
27 天空
28 色盲
29 白痴
30 誓言
31 不眠飛行 - 廣東版
32 等等
33 Eyes On Me
34 Valentines Radio
35 Separate Ways
36 将爱实现
37 执迷不悔(粤语版)
38 执迷不悔(国语版)
39 执迷不悔(粤语)
40 挣脱
41 守望麥田 - 百年孤寂 廣東版
42 最后的告白
43 夜半醉
44 容易受伤的女人(国)
45 冷战
46 Do Do Da Da
47 执迷不悔(Marching Bandmix版)
48 Summer of Love
49 棋子(国语)
50 蓝色时分
51 半途而废只爱陌生人(MEDLEY)
52 佛说圣佛母般若波罗蜜多经
53 千言万语
54 蓝色时份
55 推翻 (Unplugged)
56 一个人分饰两角
57 心太野
58 平凡最浪漫
59 唱歌的人
60 天上人间
61 流星 (国语)
62 我怕
63 明天我要嫁给你
64 色戒
65 暧昧(粤)
66 如风+季候风+浪漫风暴+Kisses In The Wind
67 人间(4:47)
68 Dont break my heart
69 迷路
70 心非所属
71 香奈尔
72 Last Christmas
73 笑忘书(4:27)
74 FF 8
75 50)
76 醉一场
77 流浪的红舞鞋(钢琴版)(国)
78 新房客(恋战冲绳 插曲)
79 我为你
80 哭墙
81 Kiss in the wind
82 色盲(粤)
83 流浪的红舞鞋(国)
84 冷的茶冷的咖啡
85 喜相逢
86 容易受伤的女人 Leep on loving you 英文反唱
87 萤火虫(粤语版)
88 eyes on me(final fantasy 8)
89 我为你动心
90 最终幻想
91 美丽的震烫
92 太空战士
93 夜 remix
94 读爱
95 无悔今夜
96 旋转木马
97 花生骚-王菲梅艳芳
98 最终幻想8
99 迷魂记(粤)
100 迷宫
101 看着我
102 心经
103 如果你是真的
104 魅力
105 英雄电影主题曲
106 籍口
107 爱上你就好
108 昨天的幸福
109 Going Home
112 娱乐场
113 打错了
114 世界之顶
115 可否抱紧我
116 女皇的新衣 -
117 扑火
118 暖昧
119 云端
120 有时爱情徒有虚名
121 分裂
122 翠湖寒
123 夢遊
124 容易受伤的女人
125 藉口

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