陳昇 - 六月 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳昇 - 六月

六月在夏天之前的心情 總是偶爾晴朗有點雨
June, before the summer's mood, is always sunny, sometimes rainy
來得快又去得急 少女憂愁的情懷
It comes and goes quickly, like the sorrow of a young girl's heart
你猜猜六月單純的心中 藏著什麼樣的故事
What story does June's innocent heart hold? I wonder
忘不了那個男孩 和他滿腮的鬍渣
I can't forget that boy and his full beard
Oh oh 有些悲傷卻又不許哭
Oh oh I'm a little sad, but I can't cry
Oh oh 有點孤單卻又不認輸
Oh oh I'm a little lonely, but I won't give up
雙魚座的女生 從來都不怪別人的錯
A Pisces girl never blames others for her mistakes
六月在春天之後的心情 總是偶而悲傷有點苦
June, after the spring's mood, is always a little sad and bitter
往日的戀情 自己跌倒就不許哭
If you fall down in a past relationship, you shouldn't cry
六月她帶著甜甜的笑容 她說我是快樂的魚
June wears a sweet smile and says she's a happy fish
游在茫茫的人海 男孩你怎會明白
Swimming in the vast ocean of people, how can you understand, my dear boy?
Oh oh 有些悲傷卻又不許哭
Oh oh I'm a little sad, but I can't cry
Oh oh 有點孤單卻又不認輸
Oh oh I'm a little lonely, but I won't give up
幻想型的女孩 從來都不怪別人的錯
A dreamy girl never blames others for her mistakes
因為要記得你的模樣 六月在夏天又去了海邊
Because I want to remember your face, June goes to the beach again in the summer
只要你知道 愛上你有些難過
As long as you know, it's a little sad to fall in love with you
是晴天 是雨天
Whether it's sunny or rainy
走不出愛情的人是呆子 不應該留著一樣的髮型
The one who can't get out of love is a fool, shouldn't keep the same hairstyle
只要你知道 離開後別來無恙
As long as you know, you'll be fine after you leave
捨不得 忘了他
I can't bear to forget him
Oh oh 想要躲在他的懷裡哭
Oh oh I want to hide in his arms and cry
Oh oh 沒有他也真的不在乎
Oh oh But without him, I really don't care
幻想型的女孩 從來都不怪別人的錯
A dreamy girl never blames others for her mistakes
因為要記得你的模樣 六月在夏天又去了海邊
Because I want to remember your face, June goes to the beach again in the summer
只要你知道 愛上你有些難過
As long as you know, it's a little sad to fall in love with you
是晴天 是雨天
Whether it's sunny or rainy
走不出愛情的人是呆子 不應該留著一樣的髮型
The one who can't get out of love is a fool, shouldn't keep the same hairstyle
只要你知道 離開後別來無恙
As long as you know, you'll be fine after you leave
決定要 忘了他
I've decided to forget him
Oh oh 有些悲傷卻又不許哭
Oh oh I'm a little sad, but I can't cry
Oh oh 有點孤單卻又不認輸
Oh oh I'm a little lonely, but I won't give up
Oh oh 想要躲在他的懷裡哭
Oh oh I want to hide in his arms and cry
Oh oh 沒有他也真的不在乎
Oh oh But without him, I really don't care
Oh oh 有些悲傷卻又不許哭
Oh oh I'm a little sad, but I can't cry
Oh oh 有點孤單卻又不認輸
Oh oh I'm a little lonely, but I won't give up

Writer(s): 平沢進, 小西 健司

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