陳昇 - 我沒在那 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳昇 - 我沒在那

I'm Not Here
今天這個城市 一樣的假裝什麼都沒有發生
This city today pretends nothing has happened
而他在酷熱的八月 扔了他的工作
And he quit his job in the sweltering August
應該淡淡的看待 無法掌握的未來
I should be indifferent towards my uncertain future
微笑給自己一個 可以捱到明天的謊言
Give myself a lie so I can last until tomorrow
明天這個城市 會一樣假裝什麼也沒有發生
Tomorrow this city will pretend nothing has happened
兩千年來不變的22K 比黃金還不值錢
The same old monthly salary that hasn't changed in 2,000 years, worth even less than gold
總有許多的鬼臉 反覆在日子裡出現
There are always many grimaces, appearing again and again in the days
苦笑著給自己一個 可以璀璨到明年的青春
Force a smile, giving myself a youth that can dazzle until next year
It's a wild wild world 乖乖的活著
It's a wild wild world, darling, just keep on living
終於到了連生氣自己 也覺得陌生的那一天
Until the day finally comes when you feel like a stranger to your own anger
我們是這個舞台 最無感的歌手
We're the most insensitive singers on this stage
看見你臉上的線條 頹喪的背影
I see the lines on your face, the dejected silhouette
於是我們都知道 沒有平價的美好
So we all know there is no good at a fair price
於是我們都明瞭 沒有無價的愛情
So we all understand there is no priceless love
然而又是一天過了一天 夢已不再浮現
Yet another day has gone by, and the dream has stopped appearing
街上的路人 漸漸也散了
The people on the street gradually disappear
如果你要問我 夜深人靜時遺憾著什麼
If you ask me, what do I regret when the night is quiet and lonely
她在那年紅衫軍遊行了之後 離開了我
She left me after the Red Shirts protest that year
確實再也無法記住 那個我們想推翻的頭兒是誰
I can't remember who we wanted to overthrow anymore
而南太平洋的風 卻一樣的溫柔
But the wind of the South Pacific is still gentle
遠望著海峽的漩渦 對岸來了許多的故友
Looking out over the whirlpool of the strait, old friends come from the other side
在一陣無聊的嘩笑之中 目前不知道失去些什麼
In a round of frivolous laughter, I'm not sure what I'm losing
至於夢中的自由啊 茉莉也結不出花朵
As for the freedom in my dreams, jasmine can't bloom without flowers
美利堅可以因為肥胖而死 沒有人難過
America can die of obesity, no one's sad
It's a wild wild world 你要乖乖的活著
It's a wild wild world, you have to keep on living, darling
也許到了連自己 都覺得陌生的那一天
Until the day comes when you feel like a stranger even to yourself
誰還需要什麼舞台 最無知的歌手
Who needs a stage anymore, the most ignorant singers
看見你微凸的線條 木然的表情
I see the slightly protruding lines, the wooden expression
於是我們都知道 沒有平價的美好
So we all know there is no good at a fair price
於是我們就明瞭 沒有無價的愛情
So we just understand there is no priceless love
然而又是一天過了一天 夢已不再出現
Yet another day has gone by, and the dream no longer appears
那個愛過的人 模樣也忘了
The silhouette of that loved one has become forgotten
更早更早以前 我們都還會哭泣
Long, long ago, we all used to cry
至於是藍的綠的當家 都是笑笑而已
As for whether it was blue or green in power, we just laughed it off
至於追逐金錢 還是追逐著美夢
As for chasing money or chasing dreams
如果再也不必提起 自己都已明白
If I never have to mention it again, I myself already understand
更早更早以前 我們真的都曾經愛過
Long, long ago, we all truly loved
知道你不是忘了 只是你不好意思提起
I know you haven't forgotten, you're just embarrassed to mention it
所有那些無價的日子啊 愛過的人啊
All those priceless days, the people we loved
怎麼可以說謊 說我沒有在那裡
How can you tell a lie, saying I wasn't there
It's a wild wild world 你要乖乖的活著
It's a wild wild world, you have to keep on living, darling
終於到了沉默 也來到你我的那一天
Until the silence finally comes, to you and me
就會是這個街坊 最悲涼的歌手
We'll be the saddest singers in this neighborhood
你看見我臉上的風霜 和無謂的笑容
You see the frost and the useless smile on my face
於是我們都知道 沒有平價的美好
So we all know there is no good at a fair price
於是我們就明瞭 沒有無價的愛情
So we just understand there is no priceless love
雖然又是一天過了一天 夢偶爾會浮現
Though another day has gone by, the dream will occasionally appear
那個愛過的人 她會知道的
That loved one, she'll know
La la la~
It's a wild wild world 你要乖乖的活著
It's a wild wild world, you have to keep on living, darling
It's a wild wild world 你要乖乖的活著
It's a wild wild world, you have to keep on living, darling
La la la~

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