陳昇 - 拿起來放下 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳昇 - 拿起來放下

Pick It Up and Put It Down
在這個有一點冷漠 有一點熱情的城市裡
In this city that's a bit indifferent, a bit passionate
關於感情的解釋是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The definition of love is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again
在這個有一點誠實 有一點虛偽的城市裡
In this city that's a bit honest, a bit hypocritical
關於道德的看法是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The perspective on morality is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again
忠孝東路你走一回 你有沒有認得誰
Zhongxiao East Road, you walk it once, do you recognize anyone?
這個城市不鬧鬼 有點陰陽多變 有點痴肥
This city is not haunted, it's a bit bipolar, a bit overweight
忠孝東路你走一回 有沒有讓你想起了誰
Zhongxiao East Road, you walk it once, does it make you think of anyone?
這個城市很八卦 荒腔走板 也沒有人管
This city is very gossipy, eccentric, and nobody cares
在這個有一點可愛 有一點可惡的城市裡
In this city that's a bit lovable, a bit detestable
關於尊嚴的解釋是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The definition of dignity is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again
在這個有一點模糊 有一點清晰的城市裡
In this city that's a bit vague, a bit clear
關於信任的解釋是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The definition of trust is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again
就隨便去談個戀愛吧 也好過臉書裡隔空的撫摸
Just go out and find a love, it's better than petting the air on Facebook
就隨便的糟蹋你自己吧 別說我對你不尊敬
Just go out and ruin yourself, don't say I didn't respect you
Educated person, do you really have a college degree?
所以要快樂啊 你說說哪裡不好
So be happy, tell me what's not to like
你覺得累了去洗溫泉 覺得無聊去摸兩圈
You're tired, go take a bath, you're bored, go play a few rounds
Life is paradise here
所以一定要快樂啊 不要整天的裝瘋賣傻
So be sure to be happy, don't act crazy all day long
這個世界會變這樣 沒有人沒有人是無辜的
This world is the way it is, no one is innocent
在這個有點大 有點小的城市裡 關於朋友的定義是
In this city that's a bit big, a bit small, the definition of friendship is:
借錢給朋友就失去朋友失去錢 不借錢給朋友就失去朋友失去錢
Loan money to a friend, lose your friend and your money. Don't loan money to a friend, lose your friend and your money.
在這個有點猛有點溫馴的城市裡 關於媒體暴力的感覺是
In this city that's a bit fierce, a bit gentle, the feeling of media violence is:
塞進去再拿出去來 拿出去再塞進去
Put it in and take it out, take it out and put it in
中山北路才走一回 中華民國就要一百歲
Zhongshan North Road, you walk it once, the Republic of China will be a hundred years old
老人家他不曉得 總有些人非要逼他去跳淡水河不可
The old man doesn't know, there are always people who want to force him to jump into the Tamsui River
中山北路你走一回 不要命的大小狗對著路過你狂吠
Zhongshan North Road, you walk it once, reckless dogs of all sizes are barking at you
流浪狗的尊嚴 是一根沒了肉屑的星星骨頭
The dignity of a stray dog is a marrow bone without any meat
羅斯福路你走一回 讀書人你大學生了沒
Roosevelt Road, you walk it once, educated person, do you have a college degree?
You don't know where your future lies
你爸爸跟你一樣迷惘 跟著錢潮到了北京不回
Your dad is just as confused as you, he followed the money flow to Beijing and never came back
羅斯福路你走一回 凡事你都要想得開 電視裡的名嘴
Roosevelt Road, you walk it once, you have to be open-minded about everything, the famous commentators on TV
他們一二十年來沒改選 汗臭的妝 混著銅臭的酸味
They haven't been re-elected for twenty years, their stinky makeup mixed with the sour smell of money
所以要快樂啊 你說說哪裡不好
So be happy, tell me what's not to like
你覺得煩了去唱卡拉OK 覺得無聊去打打小白球
You're annoyed, go sing karaoke, you're bored, go play some golf
所以一定要快樂啊 不要整天的裝瘋賣傻
So be sure to be happy, don't act crazy all day long
這個世界會變這樣 沒有人沒有人是無辜的
This world is the way it is, no one is innocent
在這個有點冷漠 有一點熱情的城市裡
In this city that's a bit indifferent, a bit passionate
關於感情的解釋是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The definition of love is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again
在這個有點誠實 有一點虛偽的城市裡
In this city that's a bit honest, a bit hypocritical
關於道德的看法是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The perspective on morality is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again
西門町你走一回 有沒有讓你愛上了誰
Ximen, you walk it once, did you fall in love with someone?
愛情像高懸樹上的酸蘋果 不吃後悔吃了也後悔
Love is like a sour apple hanging high on a tree, you'll regret it if you don't eat it, and you'll regret it if you do
辛亥路你走一回 路邊的三色堇在花季之後 怎樣也喚不回
Xinhai Road, you walk it once, the pansies by the roadside after the flowering season, no matter how you call, they won't come back
西門町你走一回 有沒有讓你愛上了誰
Ximen, you walk it once, did you fall in love with someone?
在這個有一點冷漠 有一點熱情的城市裡
In this city that's a bit indifferent, a bit passionate
關於感情的解釋是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The definition of love is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again
在這個有一點誠實 有一點虛偽的城市裡
In this city that's a bit honest, a bit hypocritical
關於道德的看法是 拿起來放下 放下再拿起來
The perspective on morality is to pick it up and put it down, put it down and pick it up again

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