陳昇 - 最後一盞燈 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳昇 - 最後一盞燈

The Last Lamp
The Last Lamp
總在秋風吹來冷冷的夜裡 漫步在分手的地方
Always on a chilly night when the autumn wind blows, I walk around the place where we broke up.
想要分辨來的人是不是妳 問問妳是否還哭泣
I want to know if the person coming is you, if you are still crying.
對著電話我想解釋我自己 告訴妳我多麼想妳
On the phone, I want to explain myself, tell you how much I miss you.
將妳輕輕擁抱溫柔靠著我 讓明天鎖在門後
I gently hug you, you lean on me softly, and let tomorrow be locked outside the door.
在沒有人跡冷冷夜空裡 尋覓著最後一盞燈影
In the deserted and chilly night, searching for the last glimmer of light.
當門扉悄悄打開的時候 擁抱妳直到天明
When the door quietly opens, I'll hold you in my arms until dawn.
電話裡有輕輕哭泣的聲音 妳說妳不能等待我
There's a soft cry on the phone, you say you can't wait for me.
站在街燈潺潺淹沒的街頭 我彷彿已不是我
Standing on the street, drowned by the streetlights' glimmer, I feel like I'm no longer myself.
所有等待都是為了妳 我無法改變我自己
All the waiting was for you, I can't change myself.
怕妳不能一個人獨自生活 愛一個人 沒有錯
I'm afraid you can't live alone, it's not wrong to love someone.
總在秋風吹來冷冷的夜裡 漫步在分手的地方
Always on a chilly night when the autumn wind blows, I walk around the place where we broke up.
是否妳的門早已經換了鎖 彷彿我已不是我
Has your door been relocked? As if I'm no longer myself.
在沒有人跡冷冷夜空裡 尋覓著最後一盞燈影
In the deserted and chilly night, searching for the last glimmer of light.
當門已悄悄掩上的時候 要哭泣直到天明
As the door closes quietly, I want to cry until dawn.
電話裡有輕輕哭泣的聲音 妳說妳不能等待我
There's a soft cry on the phone, you say you can't wait for me.
想要問妳是否能再見一面 妳是我最後的一盞燈
I want to ask if we can meet again, you are my last lamp.

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