陳昇 - 蘑菇蘑菇 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 陳昇 - 蘑菇蘑菇

蘑菇·蘑菇 MUSHROOM 词曲/陈升
Mushroom·Mushroom MUSHROOM Lyrics/Chen Sheng
我想我有点麻烦 找不到人要一些同情
I think I have some trouble and can't find anyone for some sympathy.
我猜你跟我一样 经常也觉得内心空虚
I guess you are just like me, and often feel empty inside.
这城里不管冬夏晴雨 都忙著玩著吃人的游戏
This city is busy playing human-eating games regardless of winter, summer, rain or shine.
路上走著无魂的尸体 跳来跳去吓不死你
Soulless corpses walk along the road, jumping up and down to scare you to death.
故乡在风雨中哭泣 独角兽还在草山上嬉戏
Hometown is crying in the storm, while the unicorn is still frolicking on the grassland.
Mushroom you can not eat 何不玩些爱情的游戏
Mushroom you can not eat. Why not play some love games?
看看你充满血丝的眼睛 你想要一点睡眠而已
Look at your bloodshot eyes. You just want some sleep.
要不要来些幸福的蘑菇 反正你已中了世纪的毒
Do you want some happy mushrooms? Anyway, you have already been poisoned by this century.
Hey~Gentleman Gentleman
Hey, Gentleman, Gentleman,
何不打开你心里的窗 窗外有一片片蓝色的海任你遨翔
Why not open the window of your heart? There is a vast blue sea outside for you to soar.
乌龟在鸦片馆里 大明星不知是男是女
Turtles are in the opium den, and big stars are indistinguishable from male or female.
Mushroom you can not eat 何不玩些爱情的游戏
Mushroom you can not eat. Why not play some love games?
这世界早已性别不分 混日子不只是需要聪明
This world has long been genderless. Getting by requires more than just being smart.
要不要来些高贵的蘑菇 保证叫你高人一等
Do you want some noble mushrooms? Guaranteed to make you superior.
都住在蟑螂的隔壁 觉得自已是个流行的奴才
We all live next to cockroaches, and think of ourselves as popular slaves.
唐朝是个遥远的年代 我不认识练丹的李白
Tang Dynasty is a distant era. I don't know Li Bai, who made alchemy.
活在二十世纪真是无奈 会唱歌的鲸鱼快要不在
It's really helpless to live in the 20th century. The singing whales are about to disappear.
给我些快乐的蘑菇 Mushroom too dangerous you can no eat
Give me some happy mushrooms. Mushroom too dangerous you can no eat.
Hey~Gentleman Gentleman Youve better listen to me
Hey, Gentleman, Gentleman. You had better listen to me.
何不打开你心里的窗 窗外有一片片蓝色的海任你遨翔
Why not open the window of your heart? There is a vast blue sea outside for you to soar.
我麻烦大了 我的麻烦大了
I'm in big trouble. I'm in big trouble.
我不能够停住脚步 往那里去也不清楚
I can't stop my steps, and I don't know where to go.
我不要这样 看起来坚强
I don't want to be like this, looking strong.
走著邪魔般的脚步 到底是谁下了毒
Walking with devil-like steps, who poisoned me?
Hey~Gentleman Gentleman Youve better listen to me
Hey, Gentleman, Gentleman. You had better listen to me.
何不打开你心里的窗 (Youve better listen to me)
Why not open the window of your heart? (You'd better listen to me.)
There is a vast blue sea outside for you to roam.
我麻烦大了 我的麻烦大了
I'm in big trouble. I'm in big trouble.
我不能够停住脚步 往那里去也不清楚
I can't stop my steps, and I don't know where to go.
我不要这样 看起来坚强
I don't want to be like this, looking strong.
走著邪魔般的脚步 到底是谁下了毒
Walking with devil-like steps, who poisoned me?

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