羅大佑 - 现象Ⅰ(live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 羅大佑 - 现象Ⅰ(live)

Phenomenology Ⅰ (live)
清清楚楚写在你的脸上 你是个道道地地聪明的人
It's written clear as day on your face, you're a real smart cookie
慌慌张张迈开你的脚步 你是个匆匆忙忙的现代人
Your hurried steps speak volumes, you're a modern man in a hurry
岁岁年年风水都在改变 改变了你的悲哀你的笑脸
Year after year, the feng shui is changing, transforming your sorrows and your smiles
在这个五千年的悠久历史里面 成功与失败多少都有一点
Throughout this long history of five thousand years, there's been some success and some failure
有人慢慢抛开一些回忆 有人在慢慢接近一点真理
Some slowly let go of memories, while others inch closer to truth
有人在爱丽丝的仙境闲逛 有人学国王穿着新衣裳
Some wander in Alice's Wonderland, while others play dress-up in the emperor's new clothes
有人默默耕耘默默从事 有人在过着他的太平日子
Some toil silently, diligently, while others live their days in peace
一年过了又是新的一年 每一年现代都在传统边缘
Another year has passed, and a new one begins, each year, modernity exists on the brink of tradition
在每个新的一年三百六十五天 每天进步一点点
In each new year, three hundred and sixty-five days, we progress little by little
眼看着高楼盖得越来越高 我们的人情味却越来越薄
As tall buildings rise higher, our humanity grows thinner
朋友之间越来越有礼貌 只因为大家见面越来越少
Friendships become more polite, simply because we see each other less
苹果价钱卖得没以前高 或许现在味道变得不好
Apples cost less than before, perhaps because they've lost their flavor
就像彩色的电视变得更加花俏 能辨别黑白的人越来越少
Like colorful TVs that have become even more flashy, those who can tell right from wrong are becoming fewer
道貌岸然挂在你的脸上 满脸是装腔作势一表仁慈
Hypocrisy etches your face, your every expression a feigned benevolence
倚老卖老告诉大家你是 可敬的忠贞不二爱国份子
You preach to the young, claiming to be a venerable patriot, loyal and true
嘴里说的永远都是一套 做的事天地良心自己知道
Your words are always noble, but your actions, only you know
假如你真的认为自己不可一世 为何不回家好好照照镜子
If you truly believe yourself to be above reproach, why not look in the mirror and see?
一年过了又是新的一年 每一年现代都在传统边缘
Another year has passed, and a new one begins, each year, modernity exists on the brink of tradition
在每个新的一年三百六十五天 每天进步一点点
In each new year, three hundred and sixty-five days, we progress little by little
现实生活不能等待奇迹 这是个非常简单的道理
Reality cannot wait for miracles, it's a simple truth
如果只要生存非常容易 只要你对人保持一点距离
Survival is easy, if you keep your distance
但是生活不能像在演戏 你戴着面具如何面对自己
But life isn't a play, how can you face yourself with a mask on?
或许你将会真的发现一些奇迹 只要你抛开一些面子问题
Perhaps you will truly find some miracles, if you can cast aside your pride
Perhaps you will truly find some miracles
If you can cast aside your pride

Writer(s): Da You Luo

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