羅大佑 - 現象七十二變 - traduction des paroles en anglais

現象七十二變 - 羅大佑traduction en anglais

Phenomenon 72 Changes
黃花崗有七十二個烈士 孔老夫子有七十二個弟子
The Huang Hua Gang uprising had seventy-two martyrs. Confucius had seventy-two disciples.
孫悟空的魔法七十二變 我們又等到民國七十二年
Son Wukong had magical seventy-two transformations. We have reached the seventy-second year of the Republic of China.
歲歲年年風水都在改變 有多少滄海一夜變成桑田
Year after year, the fengshui is constantly changing. How many seas have transformed into mulberry fields overnight?
在這個五千年的悠久歷史裡面 成功與失敗多少都有一點
In this five-thousand year long history, we have had both success and failures.
清清楚楚寫在你的臉上 你是個道道地地的聰明人
It's clear as day in your face that you're a genuinely intelligent person
慌慌張張邁開你的腳步 你是個匆匆忙忙的現代人
In your hurried steps, you're a modern person in a hurry.
有人默默耕耘默默從事 有人在過著他的太平日子
Someone is farming quietly. Someone is living a peaceful life.
有人在大白天裡彼此明爭暗鬥 有人在黑夜之中槍殺歌手
Someone is fighting openly in broad daylight. Someone is assassinating singers in the dark.
隨著都市現代化的程度 每個人多少追求一點幸福
As cities become more modern, everyone is pursuing happiness.
是個什麼樣的心理因素 每年要吃掉一條高速公路
What kind of psychological factor drives us to waste away on a highway?
在西門町的天橋上面閒逛 有多少文明人在人行道上
On the Ximending footbridge, how many civilized people are on the sidewalk?
就像我看那文明車輛橫衝直撞 我不懂大家心中做何感想
Just like watching civilized vehicles speeding, I don't understand what you're thinking.
一年過了又是新的一年 每一年現代都在傳統邊緣
A year has passed, and it's a new year again. Every year, modernity is on the edge of tradition.
在每個新的一年三百六十五天 我們都每天進步一點點
In each new year's three hundred and sixty-five days, we progress a little bit every day.
眼看著高樓蓋得越來越高 我們的人情味卻越來越薄
Watching the skyscrapers rise higher, our humanity is thinning.
朋友之間越來越有禮貌 只因為大家見面越來越少
Friends have become more polite because we're meeting less and less.
蘋果價錢賣得沒以前高 或許現在味道變得不好
The price of apples isn't as high as before, perhaps the taste has changed.
就像彩色的電視變得更佳花俏 能辨別黑白的人越來越少
Just like how color TVs have become more colorful, there are fewer people who can distinguish between black and white.
一年過了又是新的一年 每一年都曾經是新的一年
A year has passed, and it's a new year again. Every year has been a new year.
在每個新的一年三百六十五天 我們都每天進步一點點
In each new year's three hundred and sixty-five days, we progress a little bit every day.
現實生活不能等待奇蹟 這是個非常簡單的道理
Real life cannot wait for miracles. It's a simple fact of life.
如果真要生存非常容易 只要你對人保持一點距離
If you really want to survive, it's quite easy: Just keep a distance from others.
但是生活不能像在演戲 你戴著面具如何面對自己
But life isn't like acting. You're wearing a mask, but how can you face yourself?
或許你將會真的發現一些奇蹟 只要你拋開一些面子問題
Perhaps you will find some miracles if you let go of some pride issues.
或許你將會發現人生還算美麗 只要你拋開一些面子問題
Perhaps you will find that life is still beautiful if you let go of some pride issues.

Writer(s): Luo Da You, 羅 大佑, 羅 大佑

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