羅大佑 - 超級市民 - traduction des paroles en anglais

超級市民 - 羅大佑traduction en anglais

Super Citizen
那年我们坐在淡水河边 看着台北市的垃圾漂过眼前
That year we sat by the Tamsui River watching Taipei City's garbage float past us.
远处吹来一阵浓浓的烟 垃圾山正开着一个焰火庆典
A thick smoke blew from afar as the garbage mountain was having a bonfire celebration.
于是我们欢呼—— 亲爱的台北市民 缤纷的台北市
So we cheered - Dear Taipei citizens, colorful Taipei City,
垃圾永远烧不完 大家团结一条心
There will always be an endless supply of garbage, let's unite as one,
大厦关了一些精品屋 屋子加了铁窗防老鼠
Some department stores have been closed down while houses have been fitted with bars to keep rats away,
枪声响彻了六合路 谁把手枪丢进了澄清湖
Gunshots echoed through Liouhe Road. Who threw the gun into Chengcing Lake?
于是我们欢呼—— 亲爱的高雄市民 威风的高雄市
So we cheered - Dear Kaohsiung citizens, prestigious Kaohsiung City.
枪声一响齐步走 大家团结一条心
When gunshots ring out, let's march in unison. Let's unite as one.
唏哩哗啦下了一阵雨的那一天 大家都有信心不怕危险
It was during that rainy day, that we all remained optimistic and unafraid of danger.
淹水淹得我们踮脚尖 塞车塞得我们灰头又土脸
The flood made us tiptoe while the traffic jam left us haggard and dejected.
于是我们欢呼—— 亲爱的台北市民 荡漾的台北市
So we cheered - Dear Taipei citizens, carefree Taipei City.
刮风下雨不要紧 大家团结一条心
Don't fret about the wind and rain. Let's unite as one.
亲爱的台北市民 塞车的台北市
Dear Taipei citizens, traffic-ridden Taipei City.

Writer(s): Lo Tayu, 羅 大佑, 羅 大佑

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