Любэ - Davai za... - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Любэ - Davai za...

Davai za...
Let's drink to...
Vojna I naj naj naj naj naj na
War and more, more, more, more, more
Vojna I naj naj naj naj naj na
War and more, more, more, more, more
Serymi tuchami nebo zatyanuto
The sky is covered with gray clouds
Nervy gitarnoj strunoyu ottyanuty
Nerves stretched tight like a guitar string
Dozhd' barabanit s utra I do vechera
Rain drums from morning till night
Vremya zastyvshee kazhet'sya vechnost'yu
Time seems frozen, an eternity
Nas raskidali po vsem napravleniyam
We were scattered in all directions
Tanki pehota ogon' artilleriya
Tanks, infantry, fire, artillery
Nas ubivayut, no my vyzhivaem
They kill us, but we survive
I snova v ataku sebya my brosaem
And again we throw ourselves into the attack
Davaj za zhizn', davaj brat do kontsa
Let's drink to life, let's go all the way, brother
Davaj za teh, kto s nami byl togda
Let's drink to those who were with us then
Davaj za zhizn' but proklatah voyna
Let's drink to life, damn this war
Pomyanem teh, kto s nami byl togda
Let's remember those who were with us then
Nebo nad nami svintsovymi tuchami
The sky above us is covered with leaden clouds
Stelit'sya nizko tumanami hladami
Low fog spreads with chills
Hochet'sya verit', chto vsyo uzhe konchilos'
I want to believe that it's all over
Tol'ko by vyzhil tovarisch ranenyj
If only my wounded comrade would survive
Ty poterpi bratok, ne umiraj poka
Hold on, buddy, don't die yet
Budesh ty zhit' esche dolgo I schastlivo
You'll live a long and happy life
Budem na svad'be tvoej my otplyasyvat'
We'll dance at your wedding
Budesh' ty v nebo detishek podbrasovat'
You'll toss your kids up in the air
Davaj za zhizn', davaj brat do kontsa
Let's drink to life, let's go all the way, brother
Davaj za teh kto doma zhdyot tebya
Let's drink to those who are waiting for you at home
Davaj za zhizn', davaj brat do kontsa
Let's drink to life, let's go all the way, brother
Davaj za teh kto doma zhdyot tebya
Let's drink to those who are waiting for you at home
Davaj za nih davaj za nas
Let's drink to them, let's drink to us
I za sibir' I za kavkaz
And to Siberia, and to the Caucasus
Za svet dalyokih gorodov
For the lights of distant cities
I za druzej I za lyubov'
And for friends, and for love
Davaj za vas, davaj za nas
Let's drink to you, let's drink to us
I za desant I za spetsnaz
And to the Airborne Forces, and to the Special Forces
Za boevye ordena
For military medals
Davaj podnimem starina
Let's raise a glass, old friend
Davaj za zhizn', davaj brat do kontsa
Let's drink to life, let's go all the way, brother
Davaj za teh, kto s nami byl togda
Let's drink to those who were with us then
Davaj za zhizn', davaj brat do kontsa
Let's drink to life, let's go all the way, brother
Pomyanem teh, kto s nami byl togda
Let's remember those who were with us then
Davaj za zhizn', davaj brat do kontsa
Let's drink to life, let's go all the way, brother
Davaj za teh kto doma zhdyot tebya
Let's drink to those who are waiting for you at home
Davaj za zhizn', davaj brat do kontsa
Let's drink to life, let's go all the way, brother
Davaj za teh kto doma zhdyot tebya
Let's drink to those who are waiting for you at home
V starom al'bome nashel fotografii
I found photos in an old album
Deda, on byl komandir Krasnoj armii.
Grandfather, he was a commander in the Red Army.
"Synu na pamyat'. Berlin sorok pyatogo.",
"To my son, in memory. Berlin, forty-five.",
Veka ushedshego vospominaniya.
Memories of a bygone era.
Zapah travy na rassvete ne skoshennoj,
The smell of grass at dawn, not yet mown,
Stony zemli ot bombezhek raspahannoj,
The groans of the earth plowed by bombings,
Para soldatskih botinok istoptannyh
A pair of worn-out soldier's boots,
Vojnami novymi, vojnami starymi.
By new wars, by old wars.
Davaj za zhizn',
Let's drink to life,
Davaj za teh,
Let's drink to those,
Davaj za zhizn',
Let's drink to life,
Davaj pomyanem teh kto s nami byl
Let's remember those who were with us

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