范瑋琪 - 感恩節 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 范瑋琪 - 感恩節

Thanksgiving Day
From canvas shoes to high heels
這個那個機場 無數人擦肩
Countless people brush past each other in airports here and there
I really need to go far enough
才能體會 地球是一個圓
To realize the Earth is round
從圖書館 紙張的氣味
From the library, the smell of paper
到辦公室裡 香水跟咖啡
To the office, perfume and coffee
Youthfulness to adulthood
好像很遠 卻又不太遠
Seems so far away, but not really
無論 有沒有選擇冒險
Whether or not you choose adventure
哪一種人生 都不進則退
Either way, if you don't progress, you regress
只是 一個人的任性
It's just my stubborn nature
It takes many people's love to make it happen
Every time I sing this song
這一天 就是我的感恩節
This day is my Thanksgiving Day
即使 願望不能實現
Even when wishes can't be fulfilled
我的付出 就算錯 也錯得很美
My efforts, even if wrong, were still beautifully wrong
Every time you hear this song
那就是 我在跟你說 謝謝
It's me saying thank you
Everything you've given me
是我償還不起的 最幸福的虧欠
Is a debt of happiness that I can't repay
手機裡 用誰當作桌面
On my phone, who's your wallpaper?
結婚喜帖裡 祝福了誰
On wedding invitations, who did you bless?
Who can accompany you to the end?
多少偶然 和必然 在穿針引線
So many coincidences and necessities, threading the needle
Wanting to be true to my own feelings
走的路 就會多些迂迴
The paths taken will become more roundabout
Courage doesn't come from anyone's compassion
而是因為 有了你的了解
But because you understand me
Every time I sing this song
這一天 就是我的感恩節
This day is my Thanksgiving Day
即使 願望不能實現
Even when wishes can't be fulfilled
我的付出 就算錯 也錯得很美
My efforts, even if wrong, were still beautifully wrong
Every time you hear this song
那就是 我在跟你說 謝謝
It's me saying thank you
Everything you've given me
是我償還不起的 最幸福的虧欠
Is a debt of happiness that I can't repay
(Ho) 當我唱起這首歌
(Ho) When I sing this song
這一天 就是我的感恩節
This day is my Thanksgiving Day
慶幸自己有過 機會
I'm fortunate to have had the opportunity
見證 考驗 一點點變成喜悅
To witness the trials, a little becomes joy
Every time you hear this song
那就是 我在跟你說 謝謝
It's me saying thank you
Yesterday, today, and forever
最好的畫面 停在 想念你的瞬間
The best picture, stuck in the moment I miss you

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