At17 - 三分钟后 (Nature’s 蔬果广告主题曲) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction At17 - 三分钟后 (Nature’s 蔬果广告主题曲)

三分钟后 (Nature’s 蔬果广告主题曲)
Three Minutes Later (Nature's Fruit and Vegetable Advertisement Theme Song)
有一天 他终于会遇到我 这刹那即将发生 给我找到
One day he will finally meet me The moment is about to happen Find me
喜欢的不会喜欢我 我爱你但你不爱
The ones I like won't like me I love you but you don't love me
单恋相恋到失恋 太耐了吗 我爱你但你爱他
Unrequited love, to heartbreak, did it last too long? I love you but you love him
谁是你 爱恋的场地 买不到戏飞 等爱的滋味
Who is your love partner? Can't buy a ticket for the play, the taste of waiting for love
有一天 他终于会遇到我 这刹那即将发生 三分钟后那可出错
One day he will finally meet me The moment is about to happen In three minutes it could go wrong
转个弯 兜一圈走到街角 看到了街灯再转 终会找到
Turn a corner, take a round walk to the street corner, when you see the street lights, turn again, you will finally find me
水一般素白一张脸 一时间泛了粉红
A plain white face like water, suddenly flushed with pink
一分钟心跳加速 你望到吗 这刹那像个哑巴
A minute of heart palpitations, do you see? At that moment, like a mute
来伴我 爱恋那场地 买得到戏飞 相爱的滋味
Come with me, love my partner, buy a ticket for the play, the taste of being in love
有一天 他终于会遇到我 这刹那即将发生 三分钟后那可出错
One day he will finally meet me The moment is about to happen In three minutes it could go wrong
转个弯 兜一圈走到街角 看到了街灯再转 终会找到
Turn a corner, take a round walk to the street corner, when you see the street lights, turn again, you will finally find me
有一天 他终于会遇到我 这刹那即将发生 三分钟后那可出错
One day he will finally meet me The moment is about to happen In three minutes it could go wrong
就算兜兜转 终会碰到你你你 最好不过的 都发生了我找到你
Even if we go round and round, I will finally meet you, you, you, the best part of it, everything happened, I found you
你要给我很多天 天天也讲我爱你 就这么简单 可以的话
You have to give me many days, every day, tell me you love me, it's that simple, if possible
喜欢的总会喜欢我 我爱你是最可爱
I will always love the ones I love, I love you, it's the cutest
相恋一天到一生 也是你吗 你爱上也是我吧
Being in love from one day to a lifetime, is it you too? You also fall in love with me, right?

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