b.u.g. mafia - In Anii Ce Au Trecut - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction b.u.g. mafia - In Anii Ce Au Trecut

In Anii Ce Au Trecut
In the Years That Have Passed
Stiu ca meritam mult mai mult decat am avut
I know I deserved much more than I got
Stiu ca bulangii ne'au furat cat au putut
I know the bastards stole from us as much as they could
Insa stiu ca lumea vrea sa asculte MAFIA
But I know the world wants to listen to MAFIA
De'aia sunt aici si'o sa fiu baga'mi'as pwla,
That's why I'm here and I'll be, damn it,
Pan' la ultima strigare, ultima suflare,
Until the last shout, the last breath,
Vin atunci cand s'a stins lumina'n reflectoare
I come when the lights in the reflectors have gone out
Fratioare, s'a lasat cu ani grei
Brother, it's been tough years
Atat cat s'a strans apasa pe umerii mei
So much that it's pressed down on my shoulders
Da' e de bine orcum, tu sa nu iti faci probleme
But it's all good anyway, don't you worry
Toate cate'au fost, acum sunt fum si scrum
All that was is now smoke and ashes
Pe drum n'ai cum sa nu te intalnesti cu cineva
On the road, you can't help but meet someone
Care c'o mana sa iti dea iar cu cealalta sa'ti ia
Who will give you with one hand and take from you with the other
Asta nicidecum nu m'a oprit, m'a inrait...
That never stopped me, it hardened me...
Pentru ca tarfele sunt tarfe
Because bitches are bitches
Si vor fi pan' la sfarsit
And they will be until the end
Dau peste toti si toate si orce se va ivi
I'll run over everyone and everything that will appear
Raman mereu aici sa dau cu B.U.G.!
I'll always be here to hit them with B.U.G.!
Am fost peste tot... In anii ce'au trecut
I've been everywhere... In the years that have passed
Am facut ce'am vrut... In anii ce'au trecut
I did what I wanted... In the years that have passed
Am ramas la fel... In anii ce'au trecut
I stayed the same... In the years that have passed
Tot aici, niciodata n'am plecat, niciodata...
Still here, never left, never...
Am fost peste tot... In anii ce'au trecut
I've been everywhere... In the years that have passed
Am facut ce'am vrut... In anii ce'au trecut
I did what I wanted... In the years that have passed
Am ramas la fel... In anii ce'au trecut
I stayed the same... In the years that have passed
MAFIA ca la'nceput, pt cine n'a stiut!
MAFIA like at the beginning, for those who didn't know!
Sincer, am facut colectie
Honestly, I made a collection
De versuri, intamplari si povestiri
Of verses, events and stories
Printr'o conventie cu 2 baieti
Through a convention with 2 boys
Am zis ca tre' sa fim tari, tari
We said we had to be tough, tough
Ca s'avem parte de viata buna si numere mari
To have a good life and big numbers
Am strans numere mari, mi'au placut, pwla mea
I collected big numbers, I liked them, damn it
Pe tzoalele pe care le'am purtat intotdeauna,
On the clothes I always wore,
Pe foi de vanzari desigur si in mod cert
On sales sheets of course and certainly
Un mare numar de fani sa'ti intre la concert
A large number of fans to enter your concert
Am fost si sunt colectionar de fani
I was and am a fan collector
Imi plac de tot felu'
I like them all
Doar ei raspund cand ma ridic sa dau apelu'
Only they respond when I get up to give the water
Preferatii mei sunt insa cei care apoi raman
My favorites are those who then remain
La fel de suparati pe lume ca si noi
Just as upset with the world as we are
Dupa cum ati inteles in anii ce'au trecut mi'am trait visu',
As you understood, in the years that have passed, I lived my dream,
Chiar daca m'am confruntat de multe ori cu abisu
Even though I faced the abyss many times
Am cerut de la viata mai mult decat a oferit
I asked for more from life than it offered
Si'am stiut s'o fut in gura
And I knew how to fuck it in the mouth
Ca sa'mi dea ce mi'am dorit!
To give me what I wanted!
Am inceput de mult sa beau sa fut, sa fur, sa trag
I started drinking, fucking, stealing, shooting a long time ago
Imi pare rau nu am nimic de regretat
I'm sorry, I have nothing to regret
A trecut atata timo da' imi aduc aminte bine
So much time has passed but I remember well
De vremea cand stateam la coltu' strazii si cu cine
The time when I stood on the street corner and with whom
Cu cine am umblat, cu cine am baut,
Who I hung out with, who I drank with,
Cu cine am fumat, cu cine ne'am batut Tot ce'am facut si pe unde am fost
Who I smoked with, who we fought with Everything I did and where I went
La concerte pa multi bani
At concerts for a lot of money
Pa la procese cativa ani
At trials for a few years
N'am sa uit niciodata ca am dat la puscarie
I will never forget that I gave to prison
La baietii care stiu mai bine ce'nseamna timp
To the boys who know better what time means
Sunt tot aici de la'nceput la fel
I'm still here from the beginning the same
Si inainte sa zici iar s'a terminat, fii atent:
And before you say it's over again, pay attention:
Daca murim noi trei, daca murim noi trei
If we three die, if we three die
O sa'nviem de fiecare data cand apesi Play!
We will resurrect every time you press Play!
Da' pan' atunci iti mai zic ceva:
But until then I'll tell you something else:
Sunt UZZI bagami'as pwla'n ma'ta!
I'm UZZI fuck your mother!

Writer(s): alin adrian demeter, dragoş vlad neagu, vlad irimia

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