B.U.G. Mafia feat. Catalina - Ai Grija De Smecheru' Tau - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia feat. Catalina - Ai Grija De Smecheru' Tau

Ai Grija De Smecheru' Tau
Take Care of Your Hustler
Dimineata la ora 6, am intrat pe usa
At 6 in the morning, I walked through the door
Ea apare si ma-ntreaba: iar ai fost cu vreo papusa?
She appears and asks me: were you with another doll again?
Iubito sa-nebunesc daca n-am fost in studiou
Baby, I'd be crazy if I wasn't in the studio
Eu si baietii lucram la ceva nou.
Me and the boys are working on something new.
Dar stiu ca n-o sa creada, ma cunoaste bine
But I know she won't believe it, she knows me well
Ma citeste din priviri, scandalul vine de la sine
She reads me from my eyes, the scandal comes naturally
Stie c-o s-o mint mereu, nu e prima oara.
She knows I'll always lie to her, it's not the first time.
Ea o sa ma prinda si eu o sa fac iara.
She's gonna catch me and I'm gonna do it again.
Asta sunt eu, asa imi place sa traiesc,
This is me, this is how I like to live,
Ea ma iarta tot mereu pentru c-o iubesc.
She always forgives me because I love her.
Cu mine are bani, putere si respect,
With me she has money, power and respect,
Are tot ce vrea, cand vrea,
She has everything she wants, when she wants,
Cat timp este a mea, nu-i asa?
As long as she's mine, right?
Doar ea-i femeia mea
She's the only woman for me
Orice s-ar intampla, tot ea este regina.
Whatever happens, she's still the queen.
Si orice-as face eu, ea ma tine in picioare
And whatever I do, she keeps me on my feet
Stiu ca fara ea as fi fost la inchisoare.
I know without her I would have been in jail.
Spune-mi, poti sa iubesti un borfas?
Tell me, can you love a thug?
Spune-mi, poti sa iubesti un baiat de oras?
Tell me, can you love a city boy?
Multa lume ti-a spus ca nu-i alegerea cea buna
Many people told you it's not the right choice
Din cauza lui prietenele tale nu mai suna
Because of him your friends don't call anymore
Maica-ta zice ca nu e decat un borfas
Your mom says he's just a thug
Dar asta stii si tu, e baiat de oras
But you know that too, he's a city boy
Si totusi stie cum sa faca, cum sa te tina
And yet he knows how to do it, how to keep you
Ca atunci cand e cu tine sa te simti ca o regina
So that when he's with you, you feel like a queen
Te face sa zambesti cand vine cu o floare
He makes you smile when he comes with a flower
Dar te face sa si plangi cand are prea multi bani in buzunare
But he also makes you cry when he has too much money in his pockets
Cand dispare cu zilele de-acasa
When he disappears for days from home
Nu stii ce se-ntampla, unde e si esti furioasa
You don't know what's going on, where he is and you're angry
Pe hartiute numere de gagici insirate
On little papers, numbers of chicks lined up
Il intrebi ce e cu ele
You ask him what's with them
Zice sa nu-ti faci probleme
He says not to worry
Cu toate astea tu stii bine
With all that, you know well
Ca orice i-ar face pan' la urma tot la tine vine
That whatever he does to her, he still comes to you in the end
Asa ca frumoaso ai grija de el
So beautiful, take care of him
Pentru ca la tine-n inima nimeni nu-i la fel
Because in your heart, no one is like him
Pentru toti smenarii si smenarele de cartier
For all the hustlers and hustlerettes in the hood
Am o vorba: ramaneti la fel
I have one word: stay the same
Pentru femei, in special: niciodata capu' jos
For women, especially: never hang your head
Orice s-ar intampla smenaru' tau este presus
Whatever happens, your hustler is above
Chiar daca cateodata o sa vina mang' acasa
Even if sometimes he comes home bruised
Poate ca-ntr-o dimineata te trezesti cu garda-n fata
Maybe one morning you wake up with the cops at your door
O sa te minta ca a stat la o bere cu baietii
He'll lie to you that he had a beer with the boys
Mai mult ca sigur ca a fost la bagaboante cu baietii
More than likely he was at the brothel with the boys
O sa te-njure, o sa te bata
He's gonna curse you, he's gonna beat you
O sa ia droguri non-stop
He's gonna do drugs non-stop
O sa te-nsele, o sa jigneasca
He's gonna cheat on you, he's gonna insult you
Insa tu iarta-l de tot
But you forgive him for everything
Orice s-ar intampla, el pe tine te iubeste
Whatever happens, he loves you
Tu esti fetita lui si fara tine-nebuneste
You're his girl and without you he goes crazy
O sa stea mereu pe circa
He'll always be on the streets
O sa ciordeasca, o sa bata
He'll steal, he'll fight
Cu smenarii iese-afara
He goes out with the hustlers
Cu smenarii o sa moara
He'll die with the hustlers
A trait o viata-ntrega
He lived a whole life
Cu baietii-n cartier
With the boys in the hood
N-ai sa-l schimbi niciodata
You'll never change him
Insa tu ramai la fel
But you stay the same

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