B.U.G. Mafia feat. ViLLy - O Alta Zi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia feat. ViLLy - O Alta Zi

O Alta Zi
Another Day
As vrea sa pot sa iti spun ce simt
I wish I could tell you how I feel
O secunda, un minut o ora, o zi, trece timp
A second, a minute, an hour, a day, time passes by
Si sunt atatea, nu vreau sa le schimb
And there are so many things, I don't want to change them
Nu am nevoie decat de o alta zi...
All I need is another day...
Ma ridic din pat, Este cald ma spal pe dinti si apoi pe cap
I get up from bed, it's warm, I brush my teeth and then my head
La bucatarie mama mea se joaca cu
In the kitchen, my mom plays with
Arome care mai de care iti rup capu'
Aromas that one by one will blow your mind
Pana aici este bine
So far so good
Si pana acum as vrea ca ziua asta sa nu se mai termine
And until now, I wish this day would never end
Soarele imi bate incet pe geam
The sun slowly shines on my window
Ma uit la el, o zi frumoasa sper sa am
I look at it, I hope to have a beautiful day
Ma grabesc si ma duc sa ma imbrac
I hurry and go get dressed
Vreau sa vad lumea cum arata azi de fapt
I want to see how the world actually looks today
Trag pe mine Adidas, Nike in picioare
I pull on my Adidas, Nike on my feet
Sosetele mele albe si un tricou mult prea mare
My white socks and a t-shirt that's way too big
Aranjat, parfumat, arat a baiat
Groomed, perfumed, I look like a boy
Cand am iesit pe usa fetele m-au salutat
When I walked out the door, the girls greeted me
Azi toata lumea imi zambeste
Everyone smiles at me today
Pentru ca ceva e-n aer si peste tot pluteste
Because something's in the air and it's floating everywhere
As vrea sa pot sa iti spun ce simt
I wish I could tell you how I feel
O secunda, un minut o ora, o zi, trece timp
A second, a minute, an hour, a day, time passes by
Si sunt atatea, nu vreau sa le schimb
And there are so many things, I don't want to change them
Nu am nevoie decat de o alta zi...
All I need is another day...
Nu e decat o alta zi
It's just another day
In care trebuie sa stii
In which you need to know
Ca incerc sa ma relaxez
That I'm trying to relax
Merg incet si vad copiii
I walk slowly and see the children
Cum se joaca-n strada, stii
How they play in the street, you know
Si-mi amintesc c-am fost si eu odata
And I remember that I was once
Fara griji...
Without worries...
Stop! Mai am ceva de zis
Stop! I have something else to say
Dupa doua ture in cartier, ma-ndrept decis
After two laps around the neighborhood, I head determined
Spre fata care aseara mi-a furat inima
Towards the girl who stole my heart last night
In clubu' in care am fost sa agat ceva
In the club where I went to pick up something
Asa, presupun ai observat
So, I suppose you've noticed
Regula este sa ai multe fete-n pat
The rule is to have many girls in bed
Si azi o sa fac exact ca ieri
And today I will do exactly like yesterday
Fata mea o sa fac tot ce-mi ceri
My girl, I will do everything you ask of me
As vrea sa pot sa iti spun ce simt
I wish I could tell you how I feel
O secunda, un minut o ora, o zi, trece timp
A second, a minute, an hour, a day, time passes by
Si sunt atatea, nu vreau sa le schimb
And there are so many things, I don't want to change them
Nu am nevoie decat de o alta zi...
All I need is another day...
A fost bine, dar nu-nteleg ce vrei
It was good, but I don't understand what you want
Asa face Villy cand e vorba de femei
This is how Villy does it when it comes to women
Si toti baietii mei sunt de acord cu mine
And all my boys agree with me
Pentru ca nu faci nimic rau daca te tine
Because you're not doing anything wrong if you can keep up
Si am plecat cu ei, yeah
And I left with them, yeah
La petrecere, toate fetele
At the party, all the girls
S-au urcat pe mese si ne arata formele
Climbed on the tables and showed us their shapes
Treceti putin pe la mine
Come over to my place for a bit
Hai sa chemam baietii sa fie mai bine
Let's call the boys to make it even better
Pe la patru, cinci dimineata am plecat
Around four, five in the morning I left
Mi-e somn, dar nu vreau inca sa ma-ntind in pat
I'm sleepy, but I don't want to lie down in bed yet
Pas cu pas, incet, inainte
Step by step, slowly, forward
Azi nu am facut decat ce o sa fac si maine
Today I only did what I will do tomorrow
As vrea sa pot sa iti spun ce simt
I wish I could tell you how I feel
O secunda, un minut o ora, o zi, trece timp
A second, a minute, an hour, a day, time passes by
Si sunt atatea, nu vreau sa le schimb
And there are so many things, I don't want to change them
Nu am nevoie decat de o alta zi...
All I need is another day...

Writer(s): Alin Adrian Demeter

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