Bamby Ds - No Cumpli - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bamby Ds - No Cumpli

No Cumpli
I Didn't Keep My Promise
Oye amor, tengo que decirte algo seriamente
Hey love, I have to tell you something serious.
Tal vez ya lo sepas,
Maybe you already know,
O ya te lo imaginas
Or you already imagine it,
Pero ahora vengo a decirte algo con el corazón en la mano
But now I come to tell you something with my heart in my hand,
Explicarte todo lo que me pasa
To explain to you everything that happens to me.
Escúchame como siempre lo hiciste
Listen to me as you always did.
Hablarte con mi corazón,
To speak to you with my heart,
que me estas escuchando
I know you are listening to me.
Eres mi todo para
You are my everything.
Te prometí no enamorarme
I promised you I wouldn't fall in love.
Al tiempo adelante cambio
Time changes things,
Por eso hoy vengo a pedirte
That's why today I come to ask you
Que me perdones no cumplí
To forgive me, I didn't keep
La promesa que un día dije
The promise that I made one day.
Recordando esa fecha cuando nos conocimos
Remembering that date when we met,
Te pregunté tu nombre y al día siguiente salimos
I asked your name and the next day we went out.
Tuvimos una química tan espectacular
We had such spectacular chemistry,
Una hermosa situación
A beautiful situation,
éramos tal para cual (lo sé)
We were meant for each other (I know).
Después de ese día seguíamos viéndonos
After that day, we continued seeing each other,
Y sin darnos cuenta el amor más fue creciendo
And without realizing it, love grew more and more.
Todo inesperado
Everything was unexpected,
¿Quién lo iba a imaginar?
Who would have imagined it?
Desde aquí había llegado,
From here it had arrived,
A me pudiste cambiar
You were able to change me.
Con el tiempo que pasó era amor y divertido
As time went by it was love and fun,
Una hermosa relación que nos envidia hasta cupido
A beautiful relationship that even Cupid envies us.
Hoy vine a decirte después de tantos años
Today I came to tell you after so many years,
La promesa que te hice la fallé
The promise I made to you I failed.
Me he enamorado
I have fallen in love.
Espero que me perdones
I hope you forgive me,
Me des la oportunidad
Give me the opportunity
De corresponder a la persona
To correspond to the person,
A la quien yo quiero amar
The one I want to love.
Yo que es muy difícil
I know it's very difficult,
También lo fue para
It was also for me
No sentir tu presencia
Not to feel your presence,
Tu calor
Your warmth,
Tu sonreír
Your smile.
Te contaré un poco de ella
I'll tell you a little about her.
Es divertida
She's funny,
lo eras mas no te preocupes
You were more but don't worry,
No se me olvida
I don't forget.
También es muy cariñosa pero no tanto como
She is also very affectionate but not as much as you,
Pero para ser sincero se parece a tu actitud
But to be honest, she resembles your attitude.
Siempre estaré en presente y en futuro
I will always be in the present and in the future,
Un lugar en mi corazón habrá siempre lo aseguro
There will always be a place in my heart, I assure you,
Porque fuiste la persona que me enseñó de la vida
Because you were the person who taught me about life,
A respetar y a levantar los tropiezos de la existencia
To respect and overcome the stumbling blocks of existence.
Al tiempo adelante cambio
Time changes things,
Por eso hoy vengo a pedirte
That's why today I come to ask you
Que me perdones no cumplí
To forgive me, I didn't keep
La promesa que un día dije
The promise that I made one day.
¿Hey, recuerdas como nos conocimos?
Hey, remember how we met?
En el lugar que coincidimos
At the place where we coincided,
Dudo que fue la suerte, dios unió nuestros caminos
I doubt it was luck, God joined our paths.
Los típicos nerviosos cuando nos vimos
The typical nerves when we saw each other,
Recuerdo que diste el primer paso y así creímos que
I remember you took the first step and so we believed that
Para encontrar el amor verdadero
To find true love
Tuvimos que amar a la tristeza primero
We had to love sadness first.
¿Recuerdas todo los problemas que surgieron?
Remember all the problems that arose?
Pero tuvieron diferente efecto y nos unieron
But they had a different effect and they united us.
¿Cuantas veces no caímos? ¿cuantas no discutimos?
How many times did we not fall? How many did we not argue?
Pero los ojos abrimos
But we opened our eyes.
¿Cuantas veces no perdimos? ¿cuantas nos sufrimos?
How many times did we not lose? How many did we suffer?
Y a fin de cuentas seguimos
And in the end we continued.
Es de hombres aceptar y lo aceptaré, fallé
It is a man's thing to accept and I will accept it, I failed.
Prometí no enamorarme y me enamoré
I promised not to fall in love and I fell in love.
No porque te juro que no
I don't know why, I swear I don't know.
Tal vez algo tenga que ver con ella te contare
Maybe it has something to do with her, I'll tell you.
Es divertida y cariñosa, también poco celosa
She is fun and affectionate, also a little jealous,
Pero eso no le quita lo hermosa
But that doesn't take away from her beauty.
Fueron tantas cosas y me enamoro
There were so many things and I fell in love.
Quisiera tenerte una explicación pero solo paso
I would like to have an explanation for you but it just happened.
Y es tiempo de alejarme de aquí
And it's time for me to get out of here.
Es difícil aceptarlo aunque mucho más para
It's hard to accept, though much harder for me.
Perdón, nuestra promesa no cumplí
I'm sorry, I didn't keep our promise.
O al menos si me enamore pero no fue de ti
Or at least if I fell in love, it wasn't with you.
Al tiempo adelante cambio
Time changes things,
Por eso hoy vengo a pedirte
That's why today I come to ask you
Que me perdones no cumplí
To forgive me, I didn't keep
La promesa que un día dije
The promise that I made one day.
K4r1n4 y 4ndr355
K4r1n4 and 4ndr355

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