cosMo@暴走P - 修道少女と偶像少女 feat.初音ミク - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction cosMo@暴走P - 修道少女と偶像少女 feat.初音ミク

修道少女と偶像少女 feat.初音ミク
Repentless Maiden and Idolatrous Maiden feat. Hatsune Miku
---街は等しく救う 未来絶たれた者たちを 忘却の彼方に"罪"を置き去りにしてまでも---
---The city equally saves. It leaves behind those whose future has been cut off, forgetting their "sins"---
Girl: "? What's this?"
街外れの教会で 私は一応聖職で
In the church on the outskirts of town, I am a holy person of sorts.
何故この仕事なのかは まったく分からないんだけどね?
Why do I have this job? I have absolutely no idea.
神父の目を盗んで こっそりとダラダラモチャモチャ
Stealing glances at the priest, I secretly slack off.
あとはステンドグラス磨きと 暇をもてあまして適当にお祈り
I polish the stained glass and pray a little to pass the time.
Even today, I listen to the lost lambs' confessions.
恋人が見つからないんです>< (P.N.迷子少女)
I can't find a boyfriend. >_< (P.N. Lost Girl)
Yes, yes. I hope you find someone nice.
This place is like an agony aunt column! (Which isn't wrong...)
The day is over.
ああ忘れてたよ ゴメン→ 形式かたちだけの感謝いのり ←平和な証でしょ
Oh, I forgot. Sorry. A pro forma prayer of thanks. A testament to peace.
分別フィルタ失くしたモニタが 吐き出し続けるのは
The unfiltered monitor spews out
nothing but boring insults and mock religious wars.
ねえお願い電脳ガイドさん こんな地味な私でも
Hey, please, Mr. Internet Guide. Even for someone dull like me,
can you give me some tips on how to make my life more exciting?
H.N.☆Realist☆> では偶像少女などやってみてはいかがかな?
H.N. ☆Realist☆> How about trying to be an idol?
キーボード叩いて 変★身 ネットでアイドル
Typing on the keyboard, I transform. An online idol!
愛と夢その他いろいろ 振りまく天使(自称)よ!
I bestow my love and dreams and other things. I'm an angel (or so I say)!
No problem!
I send out countless prayers: "May your wishes come true."☆
楽しいことしたほうが 神様も喜ぶに決まってる!
God must be happy when I do fun things!
楽しいのもつかの間 ちょっと浮かれすぎていたわ
My fun was short-lived. I got a little carried away.
しばらくして 飽きられて 人も疎らになってしまった!
After a while, I got bored, and people started to drift away.
湧き出す不快な暴言に 思わず
Mean comments started flooding in, and I couldn't help but...
---I'm so mad. Who do these people think they are?---
見せつけてやるワ! 見せてやるわ!
I'll show them! I'll show them all!
I lashed out with words, but what would become of them?
On impulse, I clutched a wickedly gleaming blade.
すべてを "思い出す" ここで何を"懺悔"したかったのかを
I "remember" everything. What I "confessed" here.
過去の私もアイドルで 同じように居場所失って
I used to be an idol too, and I lost my place in the same way.
無い頭搾った結論 あてつけにと
I wracked my empty brain and decided to spite them
by "streaming my self-harm".
痛み背負う聖女(という設定)がいいので 教会へと タカタカトコトコ
I'm not really suicidal, but I held a big knife to my wrist. Shall we pause here?
死ぬ気は特にないけれど 大袈裟なナイフ宛てがい ここで一旦停止?
Oops, that was trespassing.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. There was a young priest behind me.
掴まれた肩 背後には若い神父おとこ
I tried to shake him off, but my hand was still holding
the "knife I had forgotten to put away".
「運命の悪戯なのか 手放し忘れたナイフが...」
"Was it fate that I failed to let go of the knife?"
「必然の因果なのさ 手放し忘れたナイフが...」
"Was it an act of God that I failed to let go of the knife?"
こんなに悲しい 紅色 は生まれて初めてみた
I've never seen such a sad shade of red.
誰が 何を どうして どうしたら 解ワカラナイヨ??
Who did what, why, and how? I don't understand. Why??
Someone died for such a ridiculous reason, and still
無かったことにできれば... と思う 救いようが無いわ
I wish I could erase it all... I'm hopeless.
ここで ごめんなさい続けたら 神様は
Please forgive me. If I continue, God will
私のしたこと全部を 赦してくれるかな
forgive me for everything I've done.
("不幸"ヲ サヨナラ
(Farewell to "Misery")
ここで ごめんなさい続けるから 神様は
Please forgive me. If I continue, God will
私のしたこと全部を 赦してください
forgive me for everything I've done.
私が背負うには あまりに重すぎるから
Because it's too much for me to bear.
(The city of Stella will grant even this selfish prayer.)
(だが私は 決して認めない)
(But I will never admit it.)
もう未来へは進まない どんよりと溜まり続けるのは
I will not move forward into the future. The only things that will continue to accumulate are
鳴り止まない懺悔の念こえと 降り続く後悔の涙あめだけ
the never-ending murmur of confession and the relentless tears of regret.

Writer(s): cosmo@暴走p

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