doa - Siren - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction doa - Siren

分厚い雲にじんわり 包み込まれ 倒れそう
My body is enveloped by a thick layer of clouds, and I feel like I might collapse.
どうせならどしゃぶりになれ 何かを今 失いそう
I'd rather it be a downpour, for I feel like I'm about to lose something.
ジユウという響きに ただ憧れ
Freedom is something I've always yearned for,
結局僕はどこまで はばたいてゆけたというの
but how far have I really flown?
絶対きみだろ 何も無い僕のそばにいたのは
You're the one who's stayed by my side, who's been with me when I have nothing.
そうだろ 黙って抱きしめてくれたのは
Remember? You're the one who's held me close without a word.
風吹く真昼の街に サイレンが響きわたる
The siren wails through the noonday streets.
愚か者よ 目を覚ませ
Foolish boy, wake up.
気がつきゃ 道を曲がり 踏切を渡って
Without realizing it, I have turned down a path, crossed a railroad crossing.
見慣れた通りの はじっこに たどり着いて 黄昏の世界
I've reached the outskirts of a familiar street, and the world has turned to dusk.
その窓の灯りは 誰のためのもの
Whose light is that shining in the window?
こんな時こそすべてを 前向きにとらえさせておくれ
Make me see the good in everything, especially at times like this.
絶対きみだろ ゆずれぬ物は 目の前にある
You're the one I can't let go of, who's right in front of me now.
そうだろ ムリヤリ抱きしめりゃいいんだ
Remember? I should just hold you tight.
ふるえる胸の奥の方 サイレンが響きわたる
A siren wails deep within my trembling chest.
愚か者よ 走り出せ
Foolish boy, start running.
絶対きみだろ 何も無い僕のそばにいたのは
You're the one who's stayed by my side, who's been with me when I have nothing.
そうだろ 同じ光を見てた
Remember? We looked at the same light.
Don't let me be alone たしかに僕には聞こえている
Don't let me be alone. I can definitely hear you.
そうだよ 知らないふりはもうできない
That's right, I can't pretend I don't know anymore.
優しい歌声のよに サイレンが空に溶ける
Like a gentle song, the siren dissolves into the sky.
愚か者よ 叫べ
Foolish boy, shout.

Writer(s): 稲葉 浩志, 徳永 暁人, 稲葉 浩志, 徳永 暁人

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