e.Sens - The Anecdote - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction e.Sens - The Anecdote

The Anecdote
The Anecdote
1996년 아버지를 잃은 아이
A child who lost his father in 1996
사랑 독차지 막내 떠나시던
The day he left, leaving his youngest, showered with love
믿기지 않고, 같은, 꿈이기를 바랐고
Unbelievable, like a dream, I wished it were a dream
다음 날, 엎드린 나, 꺼지던
The next day, I lay face down, the ground sinking beneath me
기억해 아파트 계단 모여준 친구들
I remember my friends gathered in front of the apartment stairs
힘내란 말이 앞에 없이 떨어지고
Words of encouragement falling weakly before me
고맙다고 하기도 이상한
It felt strange to even say thank you
나만 달라진 듯한 상황 받아들이기 복잡한
Accepting this situation where it seemed only I had changed was complex
위로의 말, 기도를 아마 처음했어
Words of comfort, prayers, I think that's when I first did them
아빠가 다시 낚시터 데리고 가면 이제는
If Dad takes me to the fishing spot again, I'll
절대 지루한 안낼게 3545 번호
Never show boredom again, number 3545
주차장에 세워진거 다시 보여줘
Show me the car parked there again
우리 가족, 적어진 웃음
Our family, with fewer smiles
저녁 식탁에 모여 앉은 시간에 조용해지는 집안
Silence fills the house during dinner time when we gather around the table
달그락 거리는 설거지 소리
The clattering sound of dishes
원래 쯤엔 내가 아버지 구두를 닦아드렸지
That's around the time I used to polish Dad's shoes
1000원을 주셨지 구두는 엉망인데도
He gave me 1,000 won even though the shoes were a mess
현관앞엔 신발이 다섯에서 네켤레로
At the entrance, the shoes went from five pairs to four
우리 민호, 이제 집에 하나있는 남자네?
Minho, you're the only man in the house now, right?
니가 엄마 지켜야지, 빨리 커라 강하게
You have to protect Mom, grow up quickly and strongly
아들 아빠의 아들
I am a son, my father's son
날이 아니었다면 삶은
If it weren't for that day, would my life
지금하고 달랐을까
Be different from now?
성격도 지금 같을까
Would my personality be like me now?
I am a son
길을 걸어왔네
I have walked my path
길을 걸어가네
I am walking my path
길을 걸어가네
I will walk my path
국민학교 4학년
Fourth grade in elementary school
도시락에 반찬을 같은 친구들하고 비교하네
I compare the side dishes in my lunchbox with my classmates'
얼마나 돼빠진일인지도 전혀 모르고
Without even knowing how messed up it was
다른 싸달라면서 엄마를 조르고
I pestered Mom to pack something different
못사고 언니 물려입던 작은 누나
My younger sister, who couldn't get new clothes and wore my older sister's hand-me-downs
장녀인 누나는 전교에서 3등안을 지켰지.
My eldest sister was always in the top 3 in the entire school.
자기가 엄마를 도와야 되니까
Because she had to help Mom
제일 먼저 벌수있는게 자기일테니까
Because she thought she would be the first among the three to earn money
누나들의 사춘기는 남들보다 힘들었을거야
My sisters' adolescence must have been several times harder than others'
그걸 알긴 너무 어렸네
I was too young to understand that
편모는 손들라던 선생님의 말에
At the teacher's words, "Raise your hand if you have a single mother"
실눈 뜨고 부끄러워 손도 못든 난데
I was too embarrassed to raise my hand, squinting my eyes
편모인 우리 엄마는 손가락이 아파
But my single mother's fingers hurt
식당에 일하시면서 밀가루 반죽 하느라
From kneading flour dough while working at the restaurant
아빠도 없는 주제라고 쏴붙인 여자애 말에
To the girl who snapped, "You don't even have a dad"
아무 대답도 못하고 가만있던 난데
I just stood there silently, unable to respond
아들, 엄마의 아들
I am a son, my mother's son
날이 아니었다면 삶은
If it weren't for that day, would my life
지금하고 달랐을까
Be different from now?
성격도 지금 같을까
Would my personality be like me now?
I am a son
길을 걸어왔네
I have walked my path
길을 걸어가네
I am walking my path
길을 걸어가네
I will walk my path
버리고 자리 그대로 아빠 책상엔 책이 가득해
Dad's desk, left untouched in its place, is full of books
돈이 없어 서울대를 못갔대
He couldn't go to Seoul National University because of money
퇴근 후에도 늦은 밤에 책상 앞에 계셔
He would be at his desk late at night, even after work
어른이면 당연히 저러는 건가 했고
I thought that's what adults naturally did
몇가지 없는 기억
A few memories I have
일요일이면 아버진 무릎위에 올리시고 때를 밀어
On Sundays, Dad would put me on his lap and scrub my back
시간이 지루했었는데
I used to find that time boring
냄새와 소리까지 기억하는 안되는 장면이네
It's one of the few scenes where I remember the smells and sounds
혼자가는 목욕탕 익숙해지고
I got used to going to the bathhouse alone
열다섯 이후론 아버지 없다는 얘기도 먼저 꺼냈지
After I turned fifteen, I started mentioning that I didn't have a dad
애들이 아빤 뭐하냐 묻기전에
Before the kids asked what my dad did
묻고나서 당황하는 표정들이 싫었기에
Because I hated the look on their faces when they asked and realized
어쩌면 아버지의 굽어가는 허리를
Maybe I wouldn't have to see
보고 살테니 그거 하난 좋다 여기고
My father's back bending with age, so I considered that one good thing
최고였던 아빠의 모습만 알고 있어
I only know my dad at his best
소원이 있다면 아빠와 한잔 하고 싶어
If I had one wish, it would be to have a drink with Dad
지금 본다면
If he saw me now
해메던 이십대의 나를 보셨다면
If he saw me lost in my twenties
이제는 결혼한 누나들의 가족사진을 본다면
If he saw the family photos of my married sisters
아들과 딸들의 아들과 딸을 본다면
If he saw his sons' and daughters' sons and daughters
아들, 엄마와 아빠의 아들
I am a son, my mother and father's son
날이 아니었다면 삶은
If it weren't for that day, would my life
지금하고 달랐을까
Be different from now?
성격이 지금 같을까
Would my personality be like me now?
I am a son
길을 걸어왔네
I have walked my path
길을 걸어가네
I am walking my path
길을 걸어가네
I will walk my path

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