e.Sens - 삐끗 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais e.Sens - 삐끗

별이 되고 싶은 이들
Those who want to be stars,
만명이 대기중
Tens of thousands are on standby.
순서만 기다리는 중이지
Just waiting for their turn,
자기 이름 높이 올리고 싶어
All want to raise their names high.
만지는 아저씨들이
The money-handling men,
지들 필요한 부분만 가려놓은 TV
The TV that only shows what they need,
꾸며진대로 믿는거지
Believing it as it's decorated,
뭔가 아닌 해도
Even if it feels wrong.
이미 그게 꿈이 됐으니
It's already become a dream,
고생 끝에 성공이 오길
May success come after hardship,
flash light
Money flash light.
유명해지려 하네
Everyone wants to be famous,
팔아도 A급 된다면
Even if you sell your body to become A-list,
괜찮은 장사지 어차피
It's a pretty good deal anyway,
누구네 갑도 누구 앞에서는
Someone's boss is also someone's,
Subordinate, so what?
뒤바뀌는 꼴도 자주 봐왔고
I've seen the tables turn often,
참고있는 거지
Everyone's just enduring, so what?
행복하고 싶어서
I want to be happy,
한살이라도 어릴
While I'm still young,
빨리 해먹어
Make it quick.
누군 나이가 속도래
For some, age is speed,
나보다 먼저 떴네
He/She rose before me,
쟤가 나보다 잘난 것도 아닌데
He's/She's not better than me,
말인 즉슨 혼자 지켜봤자
He/She said, what's the point of watching alone,
뭐가 이득
What's the benefit?
돌대가리들 니들 인생
You fools, your lives,
거기서 삐끗
All slip up there.
Cash 필수지
Cash is essential,
Fame, yeah 달콤하지
Fame, yeah, it's sweet.
Bxxxxxx 이리와봐 니가 원하면
Bxxxxxx, come here if you want,
Stay with me, me
Stay with me, me.
그냥 혼자 놀아
Just play by yourself,
타입 아니라서 차라리
You're not my type, so I'd rather,
Cash 쑤셔놔
Stuff Cash in,
Fame 맛은 봐야지
I gotta taste Fame,
Bxxxxxx 보여줘 어서
Bxxxxxx show me yours, come on,
Stay with me, me
Stay with me, me.
너무 달라 붙진 말어
Don't stick too close,
재미 없어져
It gets boring.
한탕쳐 전부 주사위 게임이야
Hit it big, it's all a dice game,
만큼은 돌아온다는
The saying that what goes around comes around,
아무리 생각해도
No matter how much I think about it,
주변 군데만 봐도
Just looking at a few places around me,
설명 안되잖아
It doesn't make sense,
머리 도는 놈이 먹는거지
The one with the better head gets it, right?
Well, it's alright.
그게 뭐가 나뻐
What's so bad about that?
Yo 그게 뭐가 나뻐
Yo, what's so bad about that?
없으면 그냥 아퍼
It just hurts if you don't have it,
엄마 품에서 나와서
Coming out of my mother's arms,
어째 돌아가는지 보라고
Look around and see how things work,
헝그리 정신 갖고 살다보니
Living with a hungry spirit,
괜히 하늘만 노랗고
The sky just turns yellow for no reason.
누군 용돈 받아서 200만원 짜리
Someone gets an allowance and books a 2 million won,
테이블 잡고 노는데
Table and plays,
나는 노가다판에서
Why am I at a construction site,
애인도 만나고 사냐 질문하께
I can't even meet a lover and live, I'll ask you,
뭐라 대답할래
What will you answer?
좋은 거라고
That good days will come,
여기 떠날래
I'm leaving this place.
하루라도 빨리
One day sooner,
하루라도 빨리
One day sooner,
엿같은 타향살이
After the shitty life in a foreign land,
성공의 짜릿함
The thrill of success to taste,
착하게만 살아서는 돼봤자 B급
Even if you live righteously, you'll only be B-class,
아무도 정답을 모르네
No one knows the answer,
우리 대화도 삐끗
Our conversation also slips up.
Cash 필수지
Cash is essential,
Fame, yeah 달콤하지
Fame, yeah, it's sweet.
Bxxxxxx 이리와봐 니가 원하면
Bxxxxxx, come here if you want,
Stay with me, me
Stay with me, me.
그냥 혼자 놀아
Just play by yourself,
타입 아니라서 차라리
You're not my type, so I'd rather,
Cash 쑤셔놔
Stuff Cash in,
Fame 맛은 봐야지
I gotta taste Fame,
Bxxxxxx 보여줘 어서
Bxxxxxx show me yours, come on,
Stay with me, me
Stay with me, me.
너무 달라 붙진 말어
Don't stick too close,
재미 없어져
It gets boring.
계약서가 필요해
I need a contract,
계약금 대충 1000
A down payment of about 1000,
방세내고 나면 거지
After paying rent, I'm a beggar,
I can't even join drinking parties,
예술은 개뿔
Art my ass,
차비도 없으면 의미냐
What's the point if I don't even have bus fare?
의미가 있다면
If there is a meaning,
그게 대체 뭔데 의미가
What the hell is the meaning?
소름돋게 헛물켜는 말만 하는 놈들
Those who spout chills-inducing nonsense,
여자 꼬실때나 튀기면서
Only when picking up girls, spitting while,
얘기하는 곤조 고집
Talking about spirit and stubbornness,
아주 지랄들하고 있네
They're all freaking out,
생존이 1순위야 오로지
Survival is the top priority,
했더니 대부분
When I said this, most people,
돈은 중요치 않은거라 했지
Said money doesn't matter,
놀라며 말에 꽂혔지만
I was surprised and stuck by that saying,
알고 보니 십중팔구
But it turns out nine times out of ten,
살만한 집에서
All from decent homes,
나고 자라 미국 Ghetto 흉내낸
Born and raised, imitating the American Ghetto,
방구석 래퍼s
Bedroom rappers,
폼나는 신발 폼나는 말투
Cool shoes and cool speech,
실은 폼나는 직장얻기 빡세니
In reality, it's hard to get a cool job, so
음악 빨구 속세 떠난
Sucking up to music and pretending to leave the secular world,
연극의 막이 내리면
When the curtain falls on that play,
TV 똑같은 짓들
Same things on TV,
바닥 시작부터 삐끗
This scene slips up from the beginning.
Cash 필수지
Cash is essential,
Fame, yeah 달콤하지
Fame, yeah, it's sweet.
Bxxxxxx 이리와봐 니가 원하면
Bxxxxxx, come here if you want,
Stay with me, me
Stay with me, me.
그냥 혼자 놀아
Just play by yourself,
타입 아니라서 차라리
You're not my type, so I'd rather,
Cash 쑤셔놔
Stuff Cash in,
Fame 맛은 봐야지
I gotta taste Fame,
Bxxxxxx 보여줘 어서
Bxxxxxx show me yours, come on,
Stay with me, me
Stay with me, me.
너무 달라 붙진 말어
Don't stick too close,
재미 없어져
It gets boring.

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