flumpool - 大丈夫 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction flumpool - 大丈夫

君と片方ずつのイヤホン わけあってさ
We shared one earphone each,
And listened to the nostalgic radio jingle.
いつも二人はしゃいで イヤホン外れたよね
We always laughed and our earphones fell out,
だけど根っこの方で繋がる 大事な思い出
But deep down, we were connected by those precious memories.
We laughed as we listened to the horoscopes,
I wondered about your Virgo sign.
今どこで どうしているの?
Where are you now? How are you doing?
Are you well?
君の声 たった今この胸に
Your voice just now, in my heart,
また響いて 僕の背中押しているよ
Resonates again, giving me strength.
僕の声 今度こそ届けたい
My voice, this time, I want to make it reach you.
大丈夫 どんな今日でも 僕らは繋がってる
It's okay, no matter what today may bring, we are connected.
会えない時は一人で イヤホン両方につけて
When we can't meet, I put on both earphones,
いくら笑っても外れない 雑音もない日々
And laugh as much as I want, without a fuss.
Sometimes, I see someone who looks like you,
And my heart skips a beat.
But now, you're under a mask,
Can you still smile?
いつだって 僕らは一人じゃない
We are never alone,
寂しさも同じように 分け合えるさ
We can share our loneliness.
結びあった 小指のぬくもりが
The warmth of our linked pinkies,
「まだゆける」 どんな時でも そっと伝えるんだ
Whispers, "We can keep going," no matter what.
君の声 たった今この胸に
Your voice just now, in my heart,
また響いて 僕の背中押しているよ
Resonates again, giving me strength.
僕の声 君にも届けたい
My voice, I want it to reach you.
大丈夫 どんな今日でも 僕らは繋がってる
It's okay, no matter what today may bring, we are connected.
どんな時でも 僕らは繋がれる
No matter what, we can always be connected.

Writer(s): Tabo Koichi, Yamamura (flumpool) Ryuuta

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