kradness×れをる - おこちゃま戦争 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction kradness×れをる - おこちゃま戦争

Childrens' War
Once upon that time and in another century there were these two noble siblings
“Do it right!”
じいやが呼ぶ 席につけよーいどん!
The old man calls, so take your seats and on our marks!
Let’s do battle with knives and forks
You see, we are of the upper class, we are the fine and upstanding aristocrats
ひれ伏せ愚民 君との違いを ヴァイヴァイスロイ見せてやるぜ
“Kneel before me, commoner! I will show to you the distinction between us, the vice-roy!”
おいまてまて また勝手にそんな見抜けるようなハッタリかまして
“Wait just a moment! You’re acting like you’ve already read me like a book!”
はーいはーいはいはい お兄様の仰せのままに(笑)
“Yes, yes, yes, I will follow your orders, O elder brother.” (laughs)
あ゛ーむかつくぜ! まーぢむかつくぜ! 兄に対して生意気な態度
“Gah! It just makes me more upset! So impertinent toward your elder brother!”
閧の声 ゴングを鳴らせ ケンカ勃発で宣戦布告
The voice of the herald blares out, the gong resounds, and the quarreling breaks out into a declaration of war.
Mischievous and teasing, they keep egging each other on.
"大安売り"買っちゃったら 毎度ありがとうで君の負け!
If you buy the “Bargain Sale”, as they say, then I will say “thank you very much!” and you lose!
The match is won by using a limited repertoire of strategies and by goading each other with heated exchanges.
兄の威厳見せるため飴と飴 火花散るチル両者の目と目
To display his authority as the elder brother, they use quarreling and threats, their eyes aflame with mutual loathing.
俺を誰だと思ってる「くらえ! おれさま ルールブック ▼」
“Who do you think you are? Take this! My own personal catchphrase for a rulebook!”
へたれじゃない ひよってない ちょっと勇気が足りないだけ
“I’m not a coward! I’m not chickening out! I’m just a little short on courage.”
さぁさぁみなさんお手を拝借 当たり前だろ余裕しゃくしゃく
“My lords and ladies, let’s join our hands together. This is a piece of cake, no problem!”
生まれながらにしてチート やべぇ煌めく人生がスタート
“I was born with an advantage, so basically I have a brilliant life ahead of me!”
“Of course. Just look at my heritage. It’s very impressive!”
ハイ論破ハイ論破ハイ論破 もらってくぜVサイン(v^-゜)
“Checkmate! Checkmate! Checkmate! Let me receive the victory sign.” (v^-゜)
はーいはーいはいはい はなまるよくできまちた☆
“Yes, yes, yes! That was a great move!”
あ゛ーむかつくぜ! まーぢむかつくぜ! 僕に向かって減らず口なんざ
“Gah! It just makes me more upset! So impertinent to talk down to me like that!”
とっておきを きみに見舞え 報復! 制裁! 挑発しちゃって
“I will show you the greatest trick of all! Retribution! Punishment! I will challenge you!”
意地悪して一枚上 チャンスは貰ってくスタンスで
“I’ll be mean and take the upper hand. I will seize every opportunity.”
痛恨ミス! あちゃっちゃー お生憎様だね君の負け!
“A critical mistake! Oh dear! Too bad for you, you lose!”
だけどキミだけが ボクに似合いのライバル
“Yet there is no one more perfect than you as a rival for me.”
Both our declines and our depressions,
“That’s why tonight I’ll pick a fight with you, you son of a -.”
あ゛ーむかつくぜ! まーぢむかつくぜ! 憎まれ口はおくちをチャック
“Gah! It makes me so mad! So infuriating! Don’t talk back to me!”
閧の声 ゴングを鳴らせ 次世代エンペラーはこの「俺だ!」「僕だ!」
The voice of the herald blares out, the gong resounds, and the next generation of emperors declare, “It’s me!” “No, it’s me!”
Mischievous and teasing, they keep egging each other on.
1から100 いただきます
From 1 to 100, I’ll take it all.
毎度ありがとうで君のm... まさかのひ、引き分け!?
“As they say, ‘thank you very much!’ And the score is… surprisingly, a draw!?”

Writer(s): れをる, ギガ

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