kumi - 君に伝えたくて - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction kumi - 君に伝えたくて

I Want to Tell You
君に伝えたくて 君に触れたくて
I want to tell you, I want to touch you
ありのままのこの気持ちに 気付いてよ
Please notice this feeling as it is
会えば切なくて だけど会いたくて
When we meet, it's painful, but I want to see you
友達なんかじゃもう いられないよ
I can't be just a friend anymore
I wanna be your girl friend
I wanna be your girl friend
君からのメール 読み返してみる
I read over the email I got from you
たわいもなくて またため息ついて
It's so trivial, and I sigh again
君とのこの距離 壊したくなくて
I don't want to break this distance between us
いつも隠した 君への I love you
I always hide my "I love you" for you
誰か想ってるの? 誰を見ているの?
Are you thinking of someone? Who are you looking at?
口に出せない 想いばかり増えて
I can't say it out loud, my thoughts only grow
つもりつのっていくよ 一人想ってるよ
They pile up as I think of you alone
溢れ出してる I'm thinking of you
My I'm thinking of you is overflowing
誰より 誰より 近づきたいのに
I want to be closer to you than anyone else
君に伝えたくて 君に触れたくて
I want to tell you, I want to touch you
ありのままのこの気持ちに 気付いてよ
Please notice this feeling as it is
会えば切なくて だけど会いたくて
When we meet, it's painful, but I want to see you
I can't be just a friend anymore
I wanna be your girl friend
I wanna be your girl friend
「今すぐ会いたい...」 言えるわけもない
I can't just say, "I want to see you right now..."
友達じゃない 君を知りたいのに
I want to get to know you as more than a friend
素直になれない うまく笑えない
I can't be honest, I can't smile properly
胸が痛いよ I'm dreaming of you
My heart aches, I'm dreaming of you
こんなに こんなに 想っているのに...
I'm thinking of you so much...
君の笑顔だけに 君の瞳だけに
Only for your smile, only for your eyes
溢れ出すこの想いを 伝えたいよ
I want to convey these overflowing thoughts
切なすぎる夜 君を描いてる
On this painful night, I draw you
心の中にいつも 君がいるよ
You're always in my heart
I wanna be your girl friend
I wanna be your girl friend
いつか君の元へ この想いよ届け
I hope these thoughts will reach you someday
「星に願いを」って キャラじゃないけれど
I'm not the type to say, "Make a wish on a star"
I want to convey my honest feelings
Wish you know me
Wish you know me
君に伝えたくて 君に触れたくて
I want to tell you, I want to touch you
ありのままのこの気持ちに 気付いてよ
Please notice this feeling as it is
会えば切なくて だけど会いたくて
When we meet, it's painful, but I want to see you
I can't be just a friend anymore
君に伝えたくて 君に触れたくて
I want to tell you, I want to touch you
ありったけの勇気を 今集めて
I'm gathering all my courage now
君が好きだって 誰より好きって
I like you more than anyone
心のすべて君へ 伝えたいよ
I want to convey everything in my heart to you
I wanna be your girl friend
I wanna be your girl friend

Writer(s): 北浦 正尚, Kumi, 北浦 正尚, kumi

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