lecca - JUST 1 TIME - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais lecca - JUST 1 TIME

Just 1 Time-Lecca
Just 1 Time - Lecca
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh 不安なんかには渡さない
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh, I won't hand over my uncertainty.
上を上を 向こうとして目指すJUST 1 TIME
I head up and up, aiming for JUST 1 TIME
ちっぽけな悩み抱いて 這い回る自分にゃうんざり
I'm fed up with myself, hugging a cheap little worry
でっかすぎる夢は忘れて いつまでも四畳半クラスのまま
I forget about my overly large dreams and stay in the four-and-a-half tatami class.
気づけば現実とか疲れとか これから、って時につぶやきそうになるのに
Before I realize it, reality and fatigue whisper to me in times like these.
いまだ何も 果たせていないから 意地にもなる
That's why I stubbornly refuse to give up, because I haven't accomplished anything yet.
やり切った顔して旅立つ 仲間達を尻目にしがみつく
I cling to my dear companions, who are leaving with proud faces
この場所への思いなら誰にも 負けないって当然思うけど
I think there's no one who can beat my feelings for this place, of course.
正直しんどい日もあるさ まだこんなこと続けてくつもりかって
To be honest, there are tough days too. Like, am I going to keep doing this?
何度も通り過ぎる スーツ姿ながめた
I often gazed at people in suits passing by.
でもまだ果たせてない たった一度だけでもつかんでみたい
But I still haven't accomplished it. I want to grab it just once.
と思うほどの 欲しくてたまらない栄光
That's how much I want it - the glory.
どんなものも かなうことのない ただひとつだけのゴール
There is only one goal that cannot be achieved by anything else.
そこを超えるまで 終われないんだ
I can't stop until I overcome it.
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh 不安なんかには渡さない
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh, I won't hand over my uncertainty.
上を上を 向こうとして目指すJUST 1 TIME
I head up and up, aiming for JUST 1 TIME.
その日を思いながらなら 暗く狭い道半ばでさえ
If I can think of that day, even the dark and narrow halfway point
栄光へ続いてく 輝けるJUST 1 TIME
Will lead to glory, a shining JUST 1 TIME.
私は多分私だけの ゴールに向かって行ってるんだ
I think I'm heading towards my own goal.
例えそれがどんな遠くても 忘れはしないさ
Even if it's far way, I will never forget it.
まだあきらめてないんだ まだ何も残せていないんだ
I haven't given up yet. I haven't left anything behind yet.
欲しいものは たった一つ たった一つ
I want only one thing. Only one thing.
まだかなえてないことが ここではある意味唯一無敵の武器
The fact that I haven't achieved it yet is, in a sense, my only invincible weapon.
休む気なんてさらさらない やりきったと言えなきゃ終わらない
I have no intention of resting; I can't stop until I can say I've done it.
ヨコ見れば華やかな大人たち 鏡にはぼろぼろの冴えない
When I look sideways, there are glamorous adults. In the mirror, I see myself disheveled and dull.
自分の姿 なんて孤独な でもこれでまた少し強くなる
It's so lonely, but I'll grow a little stronger this way.
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh 不安なんかには渡さない
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh, I won't hand over my uncertainty.
上を上を 向こうとして目指すJUST 1 TIME
I head up and up, aiming for JUST 1 TIME.
その日を思いながらなら 暗く狭い道半ばでさえ
If I can think of that day, even the dark and narrow halfway point
栄光へ続いてく 輝けるJUST 1 TIME
Will lead to glory, a shining JUST 1 TIME.
I'm living in the kingdom, I'm living in the kingdom
I'm living in the kingdom; I'm living in the kingdom.
この目にはうつってる 正しい道のりがつなぐいつか
The right path that connects me is reflected in my eyes.
Oh, I can climb the mountain I like.
高く その頂上を目指してゆけ
Aim for the summit, high in the sky.
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh 不安なんかには渡さない
Yeah-oh Yeah-oh, I won't hand over my uncertainty.
上を上を 向こうとして目指すJUST 1 TIME
I head up and up, aiming for JUST 1 TIME.
その日を思いながらなら 暗く狭い道半ばでさえ
If I can think of that day, even the dark and narrow halfway point
栄光へ続いてく 輝けるJUST 1 TIME
Will lead to glory, a shining JUST 1 TIME.

Writer(s): lecca, 774(DIGITAL NINJA RECORDS)

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