lecca - busy ガール - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction lecca - busy ガール

busy ガール
Busy Girl
Busy ガール-Lecca
Busy Girl-Lecca
Hey, girl 今日もlet's go on duty なおざりにしてしまう我がbeauty
Hey, guy Today, let's go on duty Neglecting my beauty
自炊できる日は約週2 ナニカが溜まってく体じゅうに
I can only cook for myself about twice a week Something's piling up all over my body
とはいえ時代はいつにも増して 私たちの背に重荷を課して
However, these days more than ever The times are putting a heavy burden on our backs
ねぇお願い、倒れないで あなたがいなくちゃまわらないの
Hey, please don't collapse I need you
てなことゆーけど分かってるよ! だてにこんな女やってないよ
But I understand what you mean! I'm not a woman for nothing
FBIもCIAも真っ青の 重き熱き任務果たしましょう
Let's carry out our weighty mission The FBI and CIA would be jealous
重圧より使命を感じる 常に心はペーペーに甘んじる
I feel a sense of duty more than pressure My heart always remains a rookie
私がやることで何か変わる そう信じてつきすすめ
If I do it, something will change I believe that and keep going
これが仕事さ 言い訳なんざ 誰も聞いてない
This is work No one will listen to my excuses
I won't let go of my seat easily
To some young lady or gentleman
泣いてる暇もない 私の代わりなんていない
I don't have time to cry There's no one to replace me
つきすすめよ、girls on duty でもあきらめない、中のbeauty
Keep going, guys on duty But don't give up on your inner beauty
何も残ってない ほんとは少し休みたい
There's nothing left I really want to rest for a while
それができたら苦労しないわ! 誰かちょうだい エネルギーを
If I could do that, I wouldn't have to struggle! Someone please give me some energy
叱られるの、たまに客から 謂れなきクレーム投げつけられて
Sometimes I get scolded by customers Unreasonable complaints are thrown at me
I want to say it's not my fault but I hold back and call the manager
I apologize for not being able to do that
それをしたら私は怒られます 微力ながらここを任されてますの
I'll get yelled at if I do I've been entrusted with this place
ムリが体にギシギシきてる つよい心もボロボロの体
The strain is creaking in my body My strong mind is also in tatters
I need to buy a new work uniform On the PC screen that opens
気付けば近所のマッサージ アロマテラピーに日帰り温泉
I notice the nearby massage place Aromatherapy and a day trip to a hot spring
しまいにゃ腰痛ベルト買おうとして これ、女として終わってるかな?
Finally, I try to buy a back support belt Am I finished as a woman?
なんて仕事だ どんな過酷だ まさにサバイバル
What a job What a hardship It's pure survival
私の生きる時代はこんな熱いぜ 分かるか父ちゃん、母ちゃんに
The era I live in is so intense Do you understand, Dad, Mom?
泣いてる暇もない 私の代わりなんていない
I don't have time to cry There's no one to replace me
つきすすめよ、girls on duty でもあきらめない、中のbeauty
Keep going, guys on duty But don't give up on your inner beauty
何も残ってない ほんとは少し休みたい
There's nothing left I really want to rest for a while
それができたら苦労しないわ! 誰かちょうだい エネルギーを
If I could do that, I wouldn't have to struggle! Someone please give me some energy
エステでも サプリでも
Even with facials and supplements
Using everything I can
Keep going
Keep going!
泣いてる暇もない 私の代わりなんていない
I don't have time to cry There's no one to replace me
つきすすめよ、girls on duty でもあきらめない、中のbeauty
Keep going, guys on duty But don't give up on your inner beauty
何も残ってない ほんとは少し休みたい
There's nothing left I really want to rest for a while
それができたら苦労しないわ! 誰かちょうだい エネルギーを
If I could do that, I wouldn't have to struggle! Someone please give me some energy

Writer(s): Lecca

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