lecca - 忍 - traduction des paroles en anglais

- leccatraduction en anglais

苦しい ただやり過ごすわけにいかないほどクライシス
It's hard, there's no way to get through this crisis
The methods we used yesterday no longer work in this situation
つまらない尊厳とかは ここでは役に立たない
Insignificant pride is of no use here
積荷を軽くして 生き残れるっていうならそれでいい
If it means lightening the load and surviving, then so be it
(Collapse) Before the eyes of the muttering masses
思い通りにはさせない むしろうっすら笑いながら
I won't let them have their way, but instead laugh at them subtly
潰されるなここでは あと少しで夜が明けるんだ
Don't be crushed here, dawn is almost upon us
Protecting only what is important
あぁ 今私がやるべきことは一つ
Ah, there is only one thing I must do now
耐え忍べ 今は耐え忍べ
Endure, endure now
あと少しで乗り越える 最深の闇を
We will soon overcome, the deepest darkness
We can persevere and endure
怖くはないの 光のない暗い夜も
We are not afraid of the dark and moonless nights
Only here
Only now
Perhaps life would be easier somewhere other than here
そんな風に思ってみても大抵正しくない 逃げたいだけ
Even if I think that way, it's usually not true, I just want to run away
ここで叶わないなら どこでも果たせないだろう
If I can't achieve it here, I won't be able to achieve it anywhere
Just because the seeds sown in the morning have not sprouted, doesn't mean all is lost yet
(The results) I still want to wait a few more years
It's disheartening when you can only see what's right before your eyes
諦めるな 自分しか進めていけない道がある
Don't give up, you are the only one who can walk the path ahead
捨てるとしても それは今じゃない
If something must be discarded, now is not the time
あぁ 今あなたに伝えることは一つ
Ah, there is only one thing I can tell you now
耐え忍べ 今は耐え忍べ
Endure, endure now
あと少しで乗り越える 最深の闇を
We will soon overcome, the deepest darkness
We can persevere and endure
怖くはないの 光のない暗い夜も
We are not afraid of the dark and moonless nights
耐え忍ぶんだ ここを乗り越えるんだ
Endure, we must overcome this
This is the hardest part, before and after now
あと少しで 通り過ぎてみたら
If we just push through a little longer
Our efforts will be rewarded in time
Only here
Only now

Writer(s): Lecca

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