nicolas grady - MOTÝĽ - traduction des paroles en anglais

MOTÝĽ - nicolas gradytraduction en anglais

Neviem prečo si furt mad
I don't know why you're always mad
Chcel som ti dať svet
I wanted to give you the world
Keď zomriem kukni hore aye
When I die, look up, aye
Budem jedna z hviezd
I'll be one of the stars
Drahé na sebe nosím
I wear expensive things
Podelím sa dám aj svojím
I'll share, I'll give you mine too
Byť s tebou bol omyl
Being with you was a mistake
Teraz letím ako motýľ
Now I'm flying like a butterfly
Jak lampa na nich žiarim
I shine on them like a lamp
Jak mesto, furt prázdni
Like a city, they're always empty
Ja im to všetko vrátim
I'll give it all back to them
Sypem soľ do open rany
I'm pouring salt into an open wound
Lsd vidíš farby
LSD, you see colors
Na srdci mám furt chrasty
My heart is still scarred
Povedz mi prečo žiarliš
Tell me why you're jealous
Jedna dobrá viac jak šľapky
One good girl is better than many hoes
Neviem prečo si furt mad
I don't know why you're always mad
Chcel som ti dať svet
I wanted to give you the world
Keď zomriem kukni hore aye
When I die, look up, aye
Budem jedna z hviezd
I'll be one of the stars
Drahé na sebe nosím
I wear expensive things
Podelím sa dám aj svojim
I'll share, I'll give you mine too
Byť s tebou bol omyl
Being with you was a mistake
Teraz letím ako motýľ
Now I'm flying like a butterfly
Keď príjde znova večer, tak mi napíše
When evening comes again, she texts me
Obaja sme kurva high, v bruchu máme motýle
We're both fucking high, we have butterflies in our stomachs
Vraj ojebávam, a hovorím to čo každý ďalší
She says I'm playing games, saying what everyone else says
Jedna ma miluje, ďalšia ex ma chce zabiť
One loves me, another ex wants to kill me

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