ninelives - ユメノカナタ - traduction des paroles en anglais

ユメノカナタ - ninelivestraduction en anglais

Beyond the Dream
Thank you for you
Thank you for you
5文字だけじゃ伝えきれない 想いがこの胸の中に
Can't express with just 5 characters The thoughts in my heart
どんなときも 强いキズナ 繋がっているから
In any moment Strong bond It's connected because
ここから始まる 仆だけの未来へ
From here it begins My future alone
Beyond the Dream
东の空から升る 太阳を合図に
East in the sky rising Sun as the sign
駅に向かい 朝のホームで响く音
Heading to the station On the morning platform the sound echoes
左手には不安と 希望を隠し持って
In my left hand my anxiety and hopes I hold back
梦の切符 右手で握りしめ
Dream ticket In my right hand I grip it tight
Thank you for you
Thank you for you
谛めず走り出す 顽张れと笑颜の绊
Without giving up I run and persist With a smiling bond of encouragement
何よりも力になる 自分を信じ込み
More than anything it gives me strength To believe in myself
奇迹を巻き起こす 仆だけの未来へ
I'll make miracles happen My future that's only mine
电车に乗り込み 动く景色を眺めて
Boarding the train watching the scenery in motion
高鸣る鼓动が 体を駆け巡る
My pounding heart races through my body
胸に手をあてたら 浮かぶ优しい瞳
When I put my hand to my chest I see your gentle eyes
With your powerful words I feel pushed forward
Thank you for you
Thank you for you
追いかけて 近づいてく 梦のレール繋いだ时に
Chasing after approaching The dream rails have connected
「大丈夫」といくつもの 笑颜に支えられた
It's "okay" and I'm supported by many smiling faces
このまま终わらせない 本気で掴みとれ
I won't let it end I'll really grab ahold
Even if I can't see ahead because of tears
梦や希望 自分の手で 全て壊さないで...
My dreams and hopes In my own hands Don't destroy them all...
Thank you for you
Thank you for you
5文字だけじゃ伝えきれない 想いがこの胸の中に
Can't express with just 5 characters The thoughts in my heart
どんな时も 强い绊 繋がっているから
In any moment Strong bond It's connected because
どこまでも 駆け抜ける 笑颜がそこにあるかぎり
I'll run as far as I can There are smiles there as far as I can see
仆はもう一人じゃない 教えてくれたんだ
I'm not alone anymore You taught me that
君がいてくれたから 胸张って立ち向かう
Because you were with me I'll face it with my chest held high
奇迹を巻き起こす 迷わず本気で突き进め
I'll make miracles happen I'll go forward without hesitation and with all my heart
My future that's only mine

Writer(s): Ninelives

ninelives - yume no kanata
yume no kanata
date de sortie

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