nobodyknows+ feat. シゲルBROWN - Fallin' - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ feat. シゲルBROWN - Fallin'

Fallin′ まぶたの隙間通り
Fallin' through the cracks of my eyelids
ゆっくり明ける Morning この寂しさ抱えきれない LaLaLai
Morning slowly dawns, I can't bear this loneliness LaLaLai
ありふれたはずのあの日に手を振って 外には雪が白くって
On that ordinary day, I waved goodbye, the snow was white outside
輝いた未来や期待もモノクロのように染める Tonight Go Around
The bright future and expectations are now painted monochrome Tonight Go Around
切ないものさ 僕もいつか忘れてしまう事が
Sadness, I'll forget it all someday
窓際立って眺めてる この雪だって 溶けては無くなってく
Standing by the window, watching, this snow too, will melt and disappear
君は僕を忘れるだろう 二人つないだ日々もかすむのさ、もう
You'll forget me, our days together will fade, you know
白く染まる街 寂しさ余して よみがえる面影追いかけて
The white-covered town, my loneliness deepens, and the memories come back
今更戻れねえぜあの日 使いかけの歯ブラシや車のシート
I can't go back to that day anymore, the half-used toothbrush, the car seat
目に入りゃblueな思い出 やっぱフッと思い出すぜ 風や匂いで
When I see them, blue memories come back, memories come back with the wind and scent
あの時期着てたコート 写真まで嬉しそうに貼付けたノート
The jacket I wore back then, even the pictures were pasted in the notebook with joy
こんな感覚 今なら解るさ なんで言えなかったあの日にNOと
Now I understand this feeling, why I couldn't say NO to that day
1人じゃ淋しい 2人歩んだ道 雪解け ぬかるんだ道
I'm lonely alone, we walked the path together, the snow melts and the path becomes muddy
つまずいても僕がいるからって 手を取って歩いた2人笑って
Even if you stumbled, I'm here, I'll hold your hand and we'll walk, we laughed together
眺める写メール いまだに変われず 僕はあの頃をまた
I look at the photos, they haven't changed, I remember those days again
思い出すよ季節が来るたび 淡いメモリーとこんなメロディ
Every season brings back memories, sweet memories and melodies like this
Fallin' まぶたの隙間通り
Fallin' through the cracks of my eyelids
ゆっくり明ける Morning この寂しさ抱えきれない LaLaLai
Morning slowly dawns, I can't bear this loneliness LaLaLai
ありふれたはずのあの日に手を振って 外には雪が白くって
On that ordinary day, I waved goodbye, the snow was white outside
輝いた未来や期待もモノクロのように染める Tonight Go Around
The bright future and expectations are now painted monochrome Tonight Go Around
悲しみの涙も雪になるほどに 心まで冷えるMorning
My tears of sorrow turn into snow, my heart is cold like Morning
強がりだって白い吐息に変えるんだ マジで困ったもんだ
My bravado turns into a white breath, I'm really in trouble
こんな暗い自分と対照的な街は きらめくホワイトシーズン
The city is in stark contrast to my gloomy self, it's a glittering white season
あぁ 去年と違うもんな 同じ景色でも今では違う通りで
Oh, it's different from last year, even though it's the same scenery, it's a different street now
窓枠に落ちる雪はすぐ解け 儚さに満ちた形ない情景
The snow falling on the windowsill melts quickly, a fleeting and intangible scene
望んで今なはずなのに 例えようの無い感情に
I should be happy now, but I'm filled with indescribable emotions
何も無くただ部屋の隅で1人 居たはずの右が消えた温もり
There was nothing, I was alone in the corner of the room, the warmth that used to be on the right is gone
思い出すよ季節が来るたび 淡いメモリーとこんなメロディ
Every season brings back memories, sweet memories and melodies like this
Fallin′ まぶたの隙間通り
Fallin' through the cracks of my eyelids
ゆっくり明ける Morning この寂しさ抱えきれない LaLaLai
Morning slowly dawns, I can't bear this loneliness LaLaLai
ありふれたはずのあの日に手を振って 外には雪が白くって
On that ordinary day, I waved goodbye, the snow was white outside
輝いた未来や期待もモノクロのように染める Tonight Go Around
The bright future and expectations are now painted monochrome Tonight Go Around
降り注ぐ雪の様に 溶けては消えてゆく
Like the falling snow, it melts away
思い出を 少しでも 残してよ どこにいても
Memories, leave some, wherever you are
(この寒い季節が 尾をひくように 溶けぬ心 冬の氷のようで)
(This cold season lingers, my heart unmelted, like winter ice)
思い出すよ季節が来るたび 淡いメモリーとこんなメロディ
Every season brings back memories, sweet memories and melodies like this
Fallin' まぶたの隙間通り
Fallin' through the cracks of my eyelids
ゆっくり明ける Morning この寂しさ抱えきれない LaLaLai
Morning slowly dawns, I can't bear this loneliness LaLaLai
ありふれたはずのあの日に手を振って 外には雪が白くって
On that ordinary day, I waved goodbye, the snow was white outside
The bright future and expectations are now painted monochrome
Fallin' まぶたの隙間通り
Fallin' through the cracks of my eyelids
ゆっくり明ける Morning この寂しさ抱えきれない LaLaLai
Morning slowly dawns, I can't bear this loneliness LaLaLai
ありふれたはずのあの日に手を振って 外には雪が白くって
On that ordinary day, I waved goodbye, the snow was white outside
輝いた未来や期待もモノクロのように染める Tonight Go Around
The bright future and expectations are now painted monochrome Tonight Go Around

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, Crystal Boy, dj mitsu, crystal boy

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