nobodyknows+ - Key of Life - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ - Key of Life

Key of Life
Key of Life
だから僕がいるんだ だから君がいるんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた 大きな愛
That's why I'm here, that's why you're here, the connection we've woven, the deep affection.
今そこに僕がいるんだ そしてそこに君と行くんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた道を結ぼう
Now I'm right here, and I'll go there with you, let's connect the paths we've woven together.
Hey Ladyオレのこの目に 映る表情の中でも 微笑みが
Hey lady, in my eyes, among the expressions I see, your smile
一番好きさ タイプあるABC 数え切れねぇぜ Let Me See
is the one I love the most, a type that's truly rare, let me see.
何がしたい 何が見たいじゃない 繰り返す日々の中で 感じた物だけ
It's not about what you want to do or what you want to see, it's about the things you've felt in this repetitive life.
(Good Times) オレでも良いかなんて 互いが思いやって作る 今のMy Lifeだぜ
(Good times) Is it okay if it's me? We care for each other and create our own my life.
悲しくもないが 正しくもない かざす程強い 正義も持たない
I'm neither sad nor correct. I don't possess the kind of strong justice that I could hold up high.
掴みかけたり 逃したり 裏切られたり 信じたり いまだ繰り返し
I keep grasping and letting go, getting betrayed and believing, it's still a cycle.
つまらない見栄や 意地張って くだらない 比べ合いもしたけど いつも
I used to be vain and stubborn, I used to engage in pointless comparisons, but I've always
励まされあってきた ここまで それこそ 一番の宝物
been encouraged by you all the way, that's the greatest treasure of all.
自分のためが まわりのためであって みんなの事も ここに戻ってきたって
What's for me is for everyone, and everyone's here, even if I come back to this place.
そうやって 今日も頑張って越えて そんで 新しい明日に
That's how I'll keep trying and overcoming every day, and with that, I'll move on to a new tomorrow.
また 広がりは無数 自由 次に新たに始まり
Once again, there will be countless expansions, colors, and shapes, freely, and then a new beginning.
それは 信用とか信頼以上の Key of Life 無くしちゃならない 人生の価値
It's trust and faith, but it's more than that, it's the key of life, a value in life that must not be lost.
だから僕がいるんだ だから君がいるんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた 大きな愛
That's why I'm here, that's why you're here, the connection we've woven, the deep affection.
今そこに僕がいるんだ そしてそこに君と行くんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた道を結ぼう
Now I'm right here, and I'll go there with you, let's connect the paths we've woven together.
いろんな人 親兄弟 隠す事などは もうないさ
All kinds of people, parents, siblings, there's nothing to hide anymore.
あなた達がいたから 俺はこうなりたいとか 思えた明日は もっと良くなりたい
Because of you all, I was able to think like this, tomorrow I want to be better than today.
お互いわがままじゃねぇ なんて 言って支え合って 妙なもんだねぇ
We're not being selfish, we're supporting each other, it's a strange thing.
Ah いつまでも 忘れねぇもんさ あの時もそうだって いつもRemember
Ah, I'll never forget it, just like that time, I always remember.
人の善し悪し 決めるもんじゃなし 笑ってけるLife 孤独じゃないし
A person's good or bad qualities shouldn't be judged, a life with laughter is not lonely.
自分と結ぶ 心で繋ぐ絆 会えなくたって また会える いつか
My heart connects with yours, the bond that connects us, even if we can't meet, we'll meet again someday.
泣くも笑うも 楽しみ悲しみも 何一つ欠けちゃ 繋がらんじゃないの?
Whether it's crying or laughing, joy or sorrow, not a single thing is missing, don't they all connect?
気付きゃ その日がSecond Birthday ありがたい 1人じゃないって事 忘れん
Before I knew it, that day was my second birthday, I'm grateful, I'm not alone, I won't forget that.
改めて 感謝でってなる場面 いくつもあるんじゃねぇか 今まで
There are many times when I feel grateful for that, up until now.
当たり前に 語りかけ 笑い 励ましてくれた いつも側で
We talk naturally, we laugh, we encourage each other, you're always by my side.
行き着くとこまで 頑張れって 気付くと 押され続けられたんだぜ
You pushed me to keep trying until I reached my destination, and before I knew it, I was constantly being pushed.
気持ち表すの 簡単じゃねぇけど にごりなく思う いつも ありがとう
It's not easy to express my feelings, but I'll say it clearly, I've always thought, thank you.
思い重ね合って 高め合って いつも同じもの 眺めたって
We'veを重ね合って, thought about each other, and always looked at the same thing.
それでも訪れる 別れだって それすら運命だって 受け入れる
Even so, the farewell that comes, even that is fate, I accept it.
至って身勝手 それでもわかってくれる 誰かがいるなら
It's selfish, but if there's someone who understands,.
信じたっていいだろ (いいだろ) 分かち合ったっていいだろ?
You can believe it, (can you?) You can share it, can't you?
だから僕がいるんだ だから君がいるんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた 大きな愛
That's why I'm here, that's why you're here, the connection we've woven, the deep affection.
今そこに僕がいるんだ そしてそこに君と行くんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた道を結ぼう
Now I'm right here, and I'll go there with you, let's connect the paths we've woven together.
だから僕がいるんだ だから君がいるんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた 大きな愛
That's why I'm here, that's why you're here, the connection we've woven, the deep affection.
今そこに僕がいるんだ そしてそこに君と行くんだ 紡ぎ紡がれた道を結ぼう
Now I'm right here, and I'll go there with you, let's connect the paths we've woven together.
小さな傷が 痛くなって 小さな溝が 深くなって
A small wound becomes painful, a small gap becomes deeper.
小さな嘘が 辛くなって 小さくなくなっては 広がってく
A small lie becomes painful, becomes smaller and spreads.
小さな恋 やがて実って 小さな愛に いつか変わって
A small love eventually bears fruit, and a small love eventually changes into a big love.
小さな夢が でかくなって 小さな僕らが 繋がってく
A small dream becomes big, and we, who are small, connect with each other.

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, Crystal Boy, dj mitsu, crystal boy

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