nobodyknows+ - どうよ? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ - どうよ?

How About It?
弾みっ放し お堅いのは無し お酒でも酌み交わし このひと時を
Let loose, no stiffness, let's share some drinks and enjoy this moment
居心地の良い仲 仕事じゃねぇから 自ら気づかな (いつでも仲間だ)
We're comfortable with each other, it's not work, you know it (we're always friends)
朝だろうと 夜だろうと 年中 いくつになろうと集まって (stayチューン)
Morning, night, all year round, no matter how old we get, let's gather (stay tuned)
全部その名前載っけてぇんだ (end role) 80過ぎ 同じ面子で(ゲートボール)
I want to put all our names on it (end role) Even at 80, with the same faces (playing gateball)
だなんて バカ話 尽きる事無し 笑ったり 唄ったり 踊ったり
We never run out of stupid stories, laughing, singing, dancing
1人でもいいが 喜びはねぇさ できりゃ死ぬまで (もっと感じてぇさ)
Being alone is fine, but there's no joy in it, I want to feel more (until I die)
Get on 乗らな損 遠慮 おいていこう 面倒は乗っけ ほっとけん そんなもんでしょ
Get on, don't miss out, leave your hesitation behind, we'll take care of the trouble, that's how it is
理由なんかねぇ 答えなんてねぇ everyday 人生彩る 仲間だから never end
No reason, no answer, everyday, we color life, because we're friends, never end
Why can¥t we be friends? こんなノリさ 恥ずかしさなんか捨てるって どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? This is the vibe, throw away your shyness, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can¥t we be friends? そうさ どんなときも分かち合う仲間って どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? Yeah, friends who share everything, no matter what, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
つーかどうした? 浮かねぇ顔して元気? 携帯の着信は無しだぜ baby
What's up? You look down, are you okay? Your phone isn't ringing, baby
さっきから画面と睨めっこ いや 2度会やぁツレだぜ here we go
You've been staring at the screen, hey, we're meeting twice, we're buddies, here we go
Don¥t stop ノリは止めねぇぜ come on どうしたってワケは聞かねぇさ ヤボ
Don't stop, we're not stopping the flow, come on, I won't ask why, it's rude
このノリ ほら皆 伝染症 いや好きなら yeah セッション
This vibe, look, everyone's infected, if you like it, yeah, let's jam
何は無くとも 始める ワイワイ 輪になり何やる? まず大笑い
Without further ado, let's start, gather around, what should we do? First, let's have a good laugh
Party time 楽しくやろまい my men my friends 騒ぎますか
Party time, let's have fun, my men, my friends, shall we make some noise?
足取り軽やか なんだかんだアッパー サンダルで結構 ツレとまたはしゃぐ
Light steps, somehow feeling uplifted, sandals are fine, let's have fun with our buddies again
だでよ 一緒にリラックスとswing 今宵も限りなく master peace
That's right, let's relax and swing together, tonight is endlessly a masterpiece
1人また1人仲間 集まる度 こんなに楽しさ増すぜ I need
One by one, friends gather, every time, the joy increases, I need it
見つけた顔ぶれ 出揃ったparty こぼす悩みさえ 今日ならば話せる
Familiar faces, the party is complete, even our worries can be shared today
腹割って 仲間って言える位に 語らって 今に至って
Opening up, to the point where we can call each other friends, talking until now
Have a nice day 借りは返すぜ my friends さぁ ぶ厚い扉 開け放って
Have a nice day, I'll return the favor, my friends, come on, let's open the thick door wide
Why can¥t we be friends? こんなノリさ 恥ずかしさなんか捨てるって どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? This is the vibe, throw away your shyness, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can¥t we be friends? そうさ どんなときも分かち合う仲間って どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? Yeah, friends who share everything, no matter what, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
踊りな! もうどうにかなりそう ほどほどじゃなく暑くなる今日
Dance! I'm about to lose it, today's gonna be hot, not just lukewarm
ゆっくりじゃなく今すぐにどう? じっくりはno no 気がすまんでしょうよ
Not slowly, right now, how about it? Taking it easy is a no-no, it won't feel right
Hey 待たせた! 駆け付け二杯目 ノリ良し 顔バツ 三枚目
Hey, sorry for the wait! Second drink upon arrival, good vibes, bad face, third wheel
まだ初対面なのにすぐmy men 今日のノリきっと止まるこたないぜ
We just met, but you're already my man, today's vibe won't stop
描いてた未来 広げてみよまい どちらからともなく 差し伸べ
Let's unfold the future we envisioned, extending a hand to each other
どでかい出会い 確かめる (delight) 「これから」は 今からだから期待
Confirming this huge encounter (delight) "From now on" starts now, so let's look forward to it
あっちこっち 行ったり来たり 何がしたい 何でもいい じゃ おかわり
Here and there, back and forth, whatever we want, whatever, let's have another round
呑んだ勢い任せなもんで こんなノリで咲く 今夜 最高です
Leaving it to the momentum of the drinks, tonight blooms with this kind of vibe, it's the best
いつから仲良くなったけな 気ぃ使わなイカンのだったら get out!
I don't remember when we became close, if I have to be careful, get out!
気づかなきゃ 今でも知らないまま いつからか かけがいのない仲間
If I hadn't noticed, I still wouldn't know, somehow, you've become irreplaceable friends
ふざけれん位なら 腐れ縁のがいい so 遠慮はいい 何かに付け またparty
If we're just messing around, a bad relationship is better, so no need to hold back, let's have another party for any reason
バカ騒ぎ やばい程 (yeah) 笑い転げ
Crazy fun, insanely (yeah) rolling with laughter
Why can¥t we be friends? こんなノリさ 恥ずかしさなんか捨てるって どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? This is the vibe, throw away your shyness, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can¥t we be friends? そうさ どんなときも分かち合う仲間って どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? Yeah, friends who share everything, no matter what, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can¥t we be friends? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can¥t we be friends? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
あー そー こんな感じ 気の合う仲間といる時が安心
Ah, yeah, like this, feeling at ease when I'm with friends I get along with
Ride on the party! 仲間で Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Ride on the party! With friends, Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
あー そー こんな感じ 何よりもこの時間が ほら大事
Ah, yeah, like this, this time is more important than anything, you see
Ride on the party! 朝まで Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Ride on the party! Until morning, Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can¥t we be friends? こんなノリさ 恥ずかしさなんか捨てるって どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? This is the vibe, throw away your shyness, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can¥t we be friends? そうさ どんなときも分かち合う仲間って どうよ? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)
Why can't we be friends? Yeah, friends who share everything, no matter what, how about it? Everybody come and say! (oh oh!)

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, G-ton, dj mitsu, g−ton

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