nobodyknows+ - Under Rain - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ - Under Rain

Under Rain
Under Rain
雨音が君の声や 俺の思いを洗い流して
The sound of the rain washes away your voice and my thoughts
The wounds of that time
The passing days
The one I was waiting for
やがて来る Good day
The good day that will come
流した涙さえも いつか乾き 優しさへ変わって
Even the tears I shed will dry up someday and turn into kindness
-----この空の下 歩き出そう 笑い声響かせて--------------
-----Let's walk under this sky and let our laughter resound--------------
無いもんさ 大体 見え隠れ 毎回
I don't have much
気休め トワイライト 追いかけて Day by Day
Chasing after a glimmer of hope, day by day
落ち込んで気づいた My life
I've come to realize about my life
誰が誰だとか オレの為だとか
Who's who and what's for me
Soaked t-shirt and jeans
雨の香りと余韻 打ちひしがれて
The scent of rain and the lingering echoes
泣いたって投げやって 分かったフリならばもう
I've cried and given up, and if I pretend to understand, then
I'll just be honest with myself
Before I get all tied up
I once said I wanted to feel new again
And now I'm glad I let go of myこだわり
Even if we clash and show our weakness
ただ嘘はつきたくない どんなに思った事と違い
I don't want to lie, no matter how different it is from what I thought
遠回りだったとしても今は 言葉にしたら やりきれなくて
Even if it's a detour, now that I've put it into words, I'm overcome with emotion
雨音が君の声や 俺の思いを洗い流して
The sound of the rain washes away your voice and my thoughts
The wounds of that time
The passing days
The one I was waiting for
やがて来る Good day
The good day that will come
流した涙さえも いつか乾き 優しさへ変わって
Even the tears I shed will dry up someday and turn into kindness
-----この空の下 歩き出そう 笑い声響かせて--------------
-----Let's walk under this sky and let our laughter resound--------------
甲斐性なし だからもう 理由つけ逃げ WE ARE GOTTA GO
I'm a good-for-nothing, so I'll make excuses and run. WE ARE GOTTA GO
一回言えば あーならこう もういいかいならば まだだよ
If I say it once, then it's like this, if that's okay, then not yet
裏づけ無い 経験談 信じる事だけ 冷静だ
There's no backing, just my story, just believe it, I'm calm
頭めぐる名言が 男としてなら0点だ
The famous quotes that come to mind make me a zero as a man
弱音吐かねぇ ただ IN THE RAIN 雨に打たれ 流せ全て
I won't show weakness, just IN THE RAIN, let the rain wash it all away
ひとりでいるより みんなでいるのに感じる孤独の方が 数倍辛い
Being alone feels several times more lonely than being with everyone
悲しみよ ここですべて Good bye Good Night 全部吐き出したら
Farewell, goodbye to all the sadness here, if I can just let it all out
そう 明日にゃ まるで笑ってるように 晴れわたってる太陽
Tomorrow, I'll be smiling as if nothing happened, the sun will be shining
例えば気づかないで 踏みしめた 水たまりみたいなもんさ
Like a puddle that I didn't notice and stepped in
思ったよりは深かったけれど 癒えない程 辛い傷じゃない
It was deeper than I thought, but not a wound that won't heal
消せない悲しみは 消そうとはしないで 上手に付き合って
I won't try to erase the sadness I can't erase, I'll just learn to live with it
そして皆歩き出してんだ 明日にゃホラ日が射してんだ
And we'll all start walking, tomorrow the sun will shine again
だからこそ 望み 捨てきれんじゃないの
That's why I can't give up hope
無駄なもん 削ぎ落とし うっすり見えた輪郭もそう
I've trimmed away the unnecessary things, and the faint outline has become clearer
きっと居心地 よかっただけ 一人になる怖さに 手を振って
I'm sure I was just comfortable, waving goodbye to the fear of being alone
-------う~ 洗い流されてく----------------------
-------Oh~ It's all being washed away----------------------
雨音が君の声や 俺の思いを洗い流して
The sound of the rain washes away your voice and my thoughts
The wounds of that time
The passing days
The one I was waiting for
やがて来る Good day
The good day that will come
流した涙さえも いつか乾き 優しさへ変わって
Even the tears I shed will dry up someday and turn into kindness
-----この空の下 歩き出そう 笑い声響かせて--------------
-----Let's walk under this sky and let our laughter resound--------------
雨音が君の声や 俺の思いを洗い流して
The sound of the rain washes away your voice and my thoughts
The wounds of that time
The passing days
The one I was waiting for
やがて来る Good day
The good day that will come
流した涙さえも いつか乾き 優しさへ変わって
Even the tears I shed will dry up someday and turn into kindness
-----この空の下 歩き出そう 笑い声響かせて--------------
-----Let's walk under this sky and let our laughter resound--------------
Walking under rain
Walking under rain

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, Crystal Boy, dj mitsu, crystal boy

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