nobodyknows+ - All Ways -Many Rivers Crossed- - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ - All Ways -Many Rivers Crossed-

All Ways -Many Rivers Crossed-
All Ways -Many Rivers Crossed-
価値観なんて言ったら 元も子もねぇ いくつになっても 男の子で
Values shmalues. Who needs 'em? I'll always be a little boy at heart.
冒険心 忘れちゃなんねぇ 傍観し始めたら 生きる屍
Let's not lose that adventurous spirit. If we become spectators, we might as well be dead.
愛してやまねぇからこそ 歯がゆい 好きだからこそ辛くあたった あの日
I love you so much that it makes me anxious. That's why I was so hard on you that day.
楽しいばかりじゃないから 楽しい事が 楽しいと思えた
It's not all fun and games, but that's what makes the fun parts so special.
まちがいねえ だれもきっとさすらいゲーム いつか向き合って 会いたいね
We're all on our own quests. Someday we'll meet again and catch up.
本音がどうとかは わかりはせんが ほど近い想いさ Dear My Friend
I know you have feelings too, my friend. Our thoughts are close, even if we don't always say them out loud.
アンダスタンド ちゃんと三度 飯喰ってるだけじゃ 足らん感動も
Understand this: it's not enough to just eat three meals a day. You need to experience life's wonders too.
洗いざらい ぶちまけた結果 すべてが嘘になるよりゃ まだいいさ
If we tell each other everything, even if it's painful, it's better than living a lie.
精一杯だった 世界小さくて すれ違いさえ 気づかずで
I did my best, but my world was so small. We had so many misunderstandings.
過ぎた過去 笑い話 Anytime その度に分かり合える事自体
Looking back on the past is funny. Every time we laugh about it, we realize how much we've grown.
揺らいだ今日 振り返らずとも 次に向かえば 不思議と交わる
Even if today was tough, don't dwell on it. If you keep moving forward, things will work out.
いくつも重なり つきまとう不安 打ち砕くのさ 突き進むAll Right
Lots of little things can make us anxious, but we have to overcome them and keep moving forward. All right?
OK過ぎ去ってく日々はAll Ways今でもあったけえ
Okay, the days that have passed are still warm in my memory.
時の中で 出会い別れ いつの間にか交わっていくね
In time, we meet and we part. Before we know it, our paths cross again.
OK道は違ったかのようで すべては同じ事
Okay, it seems like our paths are different, but they're really the same.
海へ向かう河の様に 重なって今日だってOcean to My Lane
Like rivers flowing to the sea, our lives are all connected. Today, too, I'm on my way to my own ocean.
焦るもんじゃねー汗をかくきっかけ All Ways紆余曲折のち海原へ
Don't worry about it. All the twists and turns will lead us to the ocean in the end.
疑わんぜ いくらの遠回りもCheck This 変に気を使ってるような現実
Don't doubt it. Even all the detours will make sense in the end. This strange reality we live in.
背筋も伸ばし たまに確認 Shall We自分に素直にRunning?
Stand up straight and ask yourself, "Am I being true to myself?"
前に前に 進むべき道のり 過程は違えど 同じ矛先
We have a long way to go, but we're all heading in the same direction.
今の僕らじゃ まだちっぽけすぎて 巨大な波に 逆らえない
We're still too small to fight the big waves, but someday we'll be ready.
いつか君と語らいたい 洗いざらい 今はまだ互いの 長いMy Lifeを
Someday I want to talk to you about everything. For now, let's just focus on living our own lives.
必死に 泳いでるだけで でめえの明日すら まだ見えねぇ
I'm just swimming for my life, trying to stay afloat. I can't even see tomorrow.
不幸だ不運だ 騒いでないで 行こうぜ まだ何一つ叶えちゃない
Don't complain about how unlucky you are. Let's go! We still have so much to accomplish.
先は長いぜ 未だ漠然 終わりもないが 夢見るサクセス
The road ahead is long, but we'll figure it out. We'll dream of success.
手探りで断片 拾いつかんで来た日々 忘れるなんて ナンセンス
We've come so far, and we've learned so much along the way. It would be a shame to forget it all.
何を願い 何を描こうと 行くては1つじゃないから 迷う
No matter what we wish for or what we imagine, there's more than one way to get there. That's what makes it so confusing.
数えるゴールは 何もかも 足跡残し 導くロード
The goals we set for ourselves are just stepping stones on the path to something greater.
OK過ぎ去ってく日々はAll Ways今でもあったけえ
Okay, the days that have passed are still warm in my memory.
時の中で 出会い別れ いつの間にか交わっていくね
In time, we meet and we part. Before we know it, our paths cross again.
OK道は違ったかのようで すべては同じ事
Okay, it seems like our paths are different, but they're really the same.
海へ向かう河の様に 重なって今日だってOcean to My Lane
Like rivers flowing to the sea, our lives are all connected. Today, too, I'm on my way to my own ocean.
(All Ways All Ways Oh!!) 無数に広がり それぞれが向かう
(All Ways All Ways Oh!!) We're all going our own way.
(Go Way Go Way Go!!)行く先分かれては また交わる
(Go Way Go Way Go!!) We may part ways, but we'll meet again.
一滴落ちて 流れ始まる いくつもを経て 繋がる必ず
A single drop falls, starting a river's flow. It joins many others, and together they reach the sea.
目指したゴールは 今も変わらず(All Ways) 大海原へと旅立つ
The goal we're aiming for hasn't changed. (All Ways) We're still sailing towards the ocean.
長期戦だぜMy Men 多少の苦痛や苦悩 待ってたくらいで
It's a long journey, my friend. A few bumps in the road are nothing to worry about.
昔話になって どうなる 俺もおまえもきっと 意味などないぜ
One day this will all be just a story. What will become of us? It doesn't matter.
先のUp and Downもうアッテンダントが いなきゃじゃ 笑われらぁ
The ups and downs of life are nothing to be afraid of. We'll laugh about them later.
くすぶるヒマねぇ うつむいたってしゃーねぇ 錆び付いた情熱に 油さしたれ
Don't waste your time moping around. Oil up that rusty passion and let it shine.
朝まで泣いたり 笑ったり 夢抱いたり 語ったり
We've laughed and cried until the morning light. We've shared our dreams and our secrets.
数えきれないほどの 数々のシーン いつか訪れる 旅立ちの日
There have been so many moments, so many scenes. Someday we'll look back on them when we're far away.
忘れはしないぜ 思い出を抱いて 向かって行く 見果てぬ未来へ
I'll never forget those memories. I'll carry them with me as I journey towards an unknown future.
Oh yeah叫び続ける この街で また会おう 出会ったこの街で
Oh yeah, I'll keep singing my heart out. I'll see you again in this city, where we first met.
OK過ぎ去ってく日々はAll Ways今でもあったけえ
Okay, the days that have passed are still warm in my memory.
時の中で 出会い別れ いつの間にか交わっていくね
In time, we meet and we part. Before we know it, our paths cross again.
OK色々あったけど 当然 言葉にはできぬまま
Okay, there have been ups and downs, but I can't put it into words.
いつか会える時を待って 俺だって 今日だって 変わっちゃいないぜ
I'm waiting for the day when we can meet again. I'm still the same as I've always been.
OK過ぎ去ってく日々はAll Ways今でもあったけえ
Okay, the days that have passed are still warm in my memory.
時の中で 出会い別れ いつの間にか交わっていくね
In time, we meet and we part. Before we know it, our paths cross again.
OK道は違ったかのようで すべては同じ事
Okay, it seems like our paths are different, but they're really the same.
海へ向かう河の様に 重なって今日だってOcean to My Lane
Like rivers flowing to the sea, our lives are all connected. Today, too, I'm on my way to my own ocean.

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, Crystal Boy, dj mitsu, crystal boy

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