nobodyknows+ - メバエ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ - メバエ

寄り添う影が 重ねた手が 二度と離れないように yeah
Cuddling shadows and overlapping hands, so that they never part yeah
君の手を繋いで この温もりを感じて進む my way
Holding your hands, feeling this warmth, moving forward my way
包み込んでやるぜ 不器用なりにぶつけるでかい愛で
I'll wrap you up, clumsily expressing my big love
咲き乱れ散る 花びらに目を寄せ
Blossoming and scattered flower petals, meeting eyes
変わり生えする街 潤した slow days
Changing and diversifying city, moistening slow days
ゆっくり行こうぜ そよ風運ぶあちこち笑う声誘う
Let's go slowly, the gentle breeze carries laughter that beckons
楽しげな2人出会う度に 確かめる気持ち 惹かれてく君に
Every time we meet such cheerful people, I reconfirm the feelings I have for you
不意に出す仕草も癖も見慣れたぐらい 振り返る時間は掛けがえない
Even the sudden gestures and habits have become familiar, the time to look back is irreplaceable
甘い時間を春風に乗せ 笑い皺も見える距離で行こうぜ
Let's ride the spring breeze and share sweet time, even wrinkles will show at this distance
よっ どうせ 戻せん時間やら光景
Well what the hell, time and sights that can't be recovered
言葉だけじゃねえ もう側にいるぜ
Words aren't enough, I'm already by your side
特別な存在 お互い様 様々なこと確かめ 肩寄せ合う
Special existence, mutual, various things confirmed, shouldering together
「愛してる」なんてうまく言えない 絡ました指からワカッテ...
I can't say "I love you" smoothly, you understand from the intertwined fingers...
柔らかい日差し 新しい風 運ぶ想い出は残んだぜ
Soft sunlight, new wind, carrying memories
特別だった2人の時間も 向き合えずにいたんだろう ちゃんと
The special time for the two of us, we couldn't face each other, properly
何度も手伸ばし繋がる度 不安とも向き合い重ねる間に
Every time I reach out and connect, I face my anxieties, and while weを重ねる
飾りも何にもなくし取り払って 変わらず笑う過ごした時間だけ
Without any decorations, we just throw everything out and just spend time laughing together
寄り添う影が 重ねた手が 二度と離れないように yeah
Cuddling shadows and overlapping hands, so that they never part yeah
君の手を繋いで この温もりを感じて進む my way
Holding your hands, feeling this warmth, moving forward my way
包み込んでやるぜ 不器用なりにぶつけるでかい愛で
I'll wrap you up, clumsily expressing my big love
ひねくれる呪文 唱えては自問 自答繰り返しては疑問疑問
A twisted spell, chanting, questioning myself, repeating the question
瞳閉じてても気づかぬ思考 見つめ合う個々の光と希望
I close my eyes, but I don't notice the thoughts, looking at the light and hope of each other
仲良い頃も忘れて お互い疑い浮かない顔
Even forgetting the time we got along, we suspect each other and don't show it on our faces
思いとは逆の展開に 君とちゃんと向き合うから stand by me
The development is the opposite of what I thought, I'll face you properly stand by me
Yo 今夜は声聞かなきゃ眠れねぇ 返信待たず打つ2度目のメール
Yo I can't sleep tonight without hearing your voice, I send a second email without waiting for a reply
男らしさなんて無しさ baby この空しさなんてましさ lady
There's no such thing as manliness baby, this emptiness is as good as it gets lady
君と平日の夜に 飯喰うことで嬉しく思える
I'm happy to eat with you on a weekday night
今の自分が 今時どんな物貰えるよりも幸せだってこと
I know in my head that now, whatever I get in this day and age, I'm happier than that
頭じゃ分かってるつもり それでも 側に心寄せきれない 臆病者
I thought I understood it, but still, I can't bring my heart to you, I'm a coward
一度だってわがままも聞けんまま すぐ火消して逃げてた ごめん
I never listened to your selfishness, I just put out the fire and ran away, I'm sorry
感じてた すれ違いは全部 手繋いだら放さんぐらい ぶつける
I felt it, the estrangement, I'll never let go of your hand again when I connect with you
本音や気持ち もう一度 忘れていたよ 出会った時の事を
My true intentions and feelings, again, I had forgotten about the time we met
寄り添う影が 重ねた手が 二度と離れないように yeah
Cuddling shadows and overlapping hands, so that they never part yeah
君の手を繋いで この温もりを感じて進む my way
Holding your hands, feeling this warmth, moving forward my way
包み込んでやるぜ 不器用なりにぶつけるでかい愛で
I'll wrap you up, clumsily expressing my big love
Yo 何かと月忙しいばっか ありがと すげぇ感謝
Yo I've been so busy lately, thank you, I'm so grateful
How long has it been since I met you?
Yo 起きたらすぐ目が合ったろう
Yo When I wake up, our eyes meet
計ったように 距離持つ関係じゃねぇ 安定がねぇオレなんか
It feels like a calculated move, you're not the distancing type, it's not stable
不安でしょうがねぇ日々も オマエだけに支えられてきた one day
Every day is filled with anxiety too, I've been supported by you alone one day
そう 流れの中の flow 大きな川越える 何もかも
So, the flow in the flow, crossing the big river, everything
どこまでも 何度でも 夜が明けるこの世で生きていこう
Forever, again and again, let's live in this world where the night breaks
戸惑いも 涙も受け入れよう こだわりも喜び求める方
Let's accept hesitation and tears, the side that seeks joy
ここで気付く これからも始まる 共に噛み締めてく この先も
I realize it here, it's just beginning, we'll savor it together, from now on too
手を繋いで行こう どこまでも2人でいよう
Let's go hand in hand, let's be together forever
“Please tell me with words sometimes”
そう嬉しそうに笑う君 離れないように絡む指
Yes, you laugh happily, our intertwined fingers never letting go
ギュッと握れば握り返す そんな君に逢える 幸せが
If I squeeze tightly, you squeeze back, that's the happiness of meeting you
今だけじゃなく この先も2人なら遠くないこの次の春も
Not just now, but in the future, the two of us will not be far away, even in the next spring
寄り添う影が 重ねた手が 二度と離れないように yeah
Cuddling shadows and overlapping hands, so that they never part yeah
君の手を繋いで この温もりを感じて進む my way
Holding your hands, feeling this warmth, moving forward my way
包み込んでやるぜ 不器用なりにぶつけるでかい愛で
I'll wrap you up, clumsily expressing my big love
君の手を繋いで この温もりを感じて進む my way
Holding your hands, feeling this warmth, moving forward my way
包み込んでやるぜ 不器用なりにぶつけるでかい愛で
I'll wrap you up, clumsily expressing my big love
君の手を繋いで 包み込んでやるぜ 愛で 愛で 愛で...
Holding your hands, I'll wrap you up with love, love, love...
二度とないぜ 二人だけの物
Never again, something just for the two of us
色とりどり重ねた making gold
Overlapping colors, making gold
昨日より光る微笑みを let′s seek let's seek 探しに行こう...
A brighter smile than yesterday, let's seek, let's seek, let's go find...

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, G-ton, dj mitsu, g−ton

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