nobodyknows+ - Iraizetchou - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ - Iraizetchou

以来絶頂 on and on and onで 乗んだ 以来絶頂 今日もshowはall night longだ
Since the climax, let's ride on and on and on. Since the climax, tonight's show will be all night long.
以来絶頂 もう迷うな noはnoだ 以来絶頂 どうだ コレが nobodyknows+だ
Since the climax, don't hesitate, no means no. Since the climax, how is this? This is nobodyknows+.
Up tempoに上がりっぱなし (アテンションプリーズ)絡むビートとテンションに
It's going up tempo, no stopping (Attention, please). The rhythm and tension are raging
久しぶり なんだかんだ あれ以来 伸びない気持ちほぐし 最高のウォーミングアップ
Haven't had this feeling for a while, warming up, really loose up, the best warm up ever.
Yoyoyo 慌てんなよ 若者よ 欲張りすぎてて 調子はどう?
Yo, yo, young man, don't worry. Getting too excited? How are you feeling?
どのみち上がっていく絶頂 いくぜ! It′s like this yo!
Still going up to the climax. Let's go! It's like this, yo!
言葉遊びだけど本気本気 音に飛び乗ってバウンシーバウンシー
The words are playful but serious. Jump on the rhythm and bounce, bounce, bounce.
飛び込む前は半信半疑 気があえば短時間でも意気投合
Half-believing before jumping in, but if we get along, we'll hit it off even in a short time.
Kill kill じゃなく前に「i」足して「ikill」さ 喜んで生きようよ
Instead of "Kill, kill," put an "i" before it and make it "ikill." Let's live happily.
もうすぐ紅葉よ まだぼうぼうよ 枯れない party night here we go yo!
Autumn leaves will be changing colors soon, but they are still lush. The party night will never fade. Here we go, yo!
以来絶頂 もう迷うな noはnoだ 以来絶頂 どうだ コレが nobodyknows+だ
Since the climax, don't hesitate, no means no. Since the climax, how is this? This is nobodyknows+.
ヨクワカランよーいドン! ヨキトコロデ 今日も行こう
We don't know. Yo, let's do it at the right time.
喜びのヨリドコロん所 ヨロレイヒと気分も高揚 yo! 方々ヨヨイノヨイ
The place of joy. In a good mood. We're in high spirits, yo! Everywhere is good.
心地よい鼻歌 ランラララ ナンバー サンバ ルンバ なんか かまうな アンサー
A pleasant hum. La, la, la. Samba number, Rumba, whatever. Never mind the answer.
がんばらなきゃ jump! jump! だから jump around! ブッ飛ぶハンマー ファンキーシビレサス
Gotta, gotta jump, jump, jump around! The funky hammer makes my head spin and tingle.
気張らず絶妙 しばらくエスコート コール レスポンス 毎回ベスト
Exquisite without straining, escorting for a while. Call and response, always the best.
Next batter's circleですよ defとfunky 詰め込んだギフト
Next batter's circle. Definite and funky gift.
なにしろトビきりイカスぜ大将 ビート上げ上げ 弾んで行きましょう
Anyway, the leader is the coolest. Raise the beat and let's bounce.
5人イリュージョン 響きもイイデショ? 大丈夫 そう It′s like this yo!
Five-man illusion. Sounds good, doesn't it? That's right. It's like this, yo!
うっさはらして吐き出して 肩ならし 腰揺らして 音出すnobodyknows+
Relax and let it out. Shake your shoulders, swing your hips, and make some noise. That's nobodyknows+.
爆音 ツカムべきさ どうなの? いざその時こうだろ!
Loud music. Gotta catch it. How about it? When the time comes, this is it!
以来絶頂 on and on and onで 乗んだ 以来絶頂 今日もshowはall night longだ
Since the climax, let's ride on and on and on. Since the climax, tonight's show will be all night long.
以来絶頂 もう迷うな noはnoだ 以来絶頂 どうだ コレが nobodyknows+だ
Since the climax, don't hesitate, no means no. Since the climax, how is this? This is nobodyknows+.
らせんらせん回る階段 like this like that
The spiral staircase goes round and round, like this, like that.
がぜんがぜん上がる段々 like this like that
Step by step, it's going up, like this, like that.
アオリヅラで巻いちまう 固い絆 内緒話しナシ 浮かしまくり
Hype you up and wrap you around my finger. Our bond is strong, no secrets. Float your feet up high.
うわさ話もナシ 腕まくりフカシ さらに浮かびビクビクンと開始
No more rumors, roll up your sleeves, puff up your chest, and start floating and quivering.
カッコイイ ワリー さえも言いなり(それじゃサミシー)磨くoriginality
Cool, bad, whatever you say (that's lonely). Polish your originality.
ハジキだすmy word 狙い定め うまく当たりゃ 君が胸キュン
Shoot out my words, take aim, and if I hit, you'll have heart palpitations.
以来絶頂 on and on and onで 乗んだ 以来絶頂 今日もshowはall night longだ
Since the climax, let's ride on and on and on. Since the climax, tonight's show will be all night long.
以来絶頂 もう迷うな noはnoだ 以来絶頂 どうだ コレが nobodyknows+だ
Since the climax, don't hesitate, no means no. Since the climax, how is this? This is nobodyknows+.
No doubtドーハの悲劇学ぶノウハウ あれ以来 ほら絶頂でしょう?
No doubt, learn the know-how from the tragedy of Doha. Since then, it's been a climax, right?
一歩下がるとケチョンケチョン 白黒どけろ 黄色でゴール!
If you take a step back, you'll get criticized. Get rid of the black and white and score with yellow!
エネルギー持て余し(刺激探し) 騒がしさで紛らわし
Too much energy (looking for excitement), distracting with noise.
時にはやましいことやって過ごしてみても(それじゃ哀しい)ずっと探してた こんな場所を
Sometimes, we do bad things to pass the time (that's sad), but I've always been looking for a place like this.
グっと苦しい時の味を 変えていく暮らし きっかけは知ってんだろ?
Change the taste of the bitter times. Change your lifestyle. What's the trigger?
わかりゃ急げ kickin' the door!
If you understand, hurry up and kick in the door!
俺達のカタチ 生きる証 mic掴んで 以来絶頂 どうだ コレが nobodyknows+だ
Our style is the proof of our lives. Grab the mic. Since the climax, how is this? This is nobodyknows+.

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, G-ton, dj mitsu, g−ton

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