nobodyknows+ - Kakusenai Ashitao Tsurete - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction nobodyknows+ - Kakusenai Ashitao Tsurete

Kakusenai Ashitao Tsurete
Tomorrow I Can't Escape Taking Along
いつもの事さ Baby 今までの白と黒が 気づけばグレーに
It's the usual, Baby The whites and blacks from before Without realizing, they've turned gray
夜も更けもう0時 頭の中で 明日を描き またトレーニング
The night is growing late, midnight In my mind I'm planning tomorrow And I'm training again
まだどっかが 変だなんて 知ったこっちゃねぇって めくるカレンダー
It's still a little strange, but I don't care about that I turn the calendar pages
でっかい明日が 待ってるんだ イヤ つうか本当 待っててほしいんだ
A huge tomorrow is waiting, no, or rather I really want it to be waiting
逃れようとしては 受け入れて 野良猫みたいに そそくさと逃げられ
I've tried to escape but I've accepted I've run away like a stray cat, quickly
同じようでも 同じ今日はなく 真新しく 重い戸を叩く
Even though it's the same, there's no same today It's brand new, I knock on the heavy door
長い暗い夜を耐え 彷徨う答え 全ては良かれと思い 行くだけ
Enduring the long, dark night Wandering for answers I keep going, thinking everything will turn out well
追い風にのせた メッセージ 問いかけても 返事は無い
A message carried on the tailwind I ask questions, but I get no answers
居合わせた憂鬱 押さえつけた分 乗切らん気分も 消し去るGroove
The melancholy I've encountered The more I suppress it, the more the feeling of unease is extinguished by the Groove
Good Bye Today and Thank You 繋がれん 明日をレスキュー
Good Bye Today and Thank You Connect to tomorrow, rescue it
迷宮入りして ワンループ 単純な切っ掛けで 抜けれるはず
Entering a labyrinth, looping around I should be able to escape with a simple trigger
それはどこでも どーだろ? 変われると思う いぃんじゃねぇ? そうだろ?
Anywhere is fine, what do you think? I think I can change, don't you? Right?
今日だろうが どうってことない毎日に 本当は救われてる 気もしてるから
Today or not, in every day that doesn't seem like much I feel like I'm really being saved, so
蹴つまずいて 落ちるのは普通 十分満たされないから 未だ夢中
I stumble and fall, it's normal I'm still not satisfied with it enough, so I'm still crazy about it
まだ途中 作り上げてくパズル 残すピース 数えきれない
It's still a work in progress, the puzzle I'm making The number of remaining pieces is countless
だから目の前 散らばる感情が いつか明日を夢見る カウントダウン
So the scattered feelings before my eyes Are the countdown to dreaming of tomorrow
歓喜は渦巻いて ほら 離さないぜ 目の前の光景 さあ 顔上げて
Ecstasy is swirling about, look You won't let go, the sight before my eyes Now, lift up your face
さらに 胸が熱くなるほどに 散ってく儚さと向き合って Hold on Me
Even more, my chest is burning hot Confronting the disappearing transience, Hold on Me
上げて上げて 繰り返し眺めて 騒いでもさらけだしても まだ
Lift it up, lift it up, look at it again and again Even if I make a fuss and show it all off, still
昨日 あきらめ 塞ぎこんだ分をまた 取り戻せるのならば このまま
Yesterday, the regrets, the depression I shut myself away, so if I can get it all back in one go
戯れる風のあおり なびく裾をひるがえし
The teasing of the playful wind, the fluttering hem of my skirt
気づかれず滑らせた 乾いた指で押さえて
I silently let it slip, and pressed down on it with my dry finger
隠せないはずの今日は ワケを探してるだろう
Today, which I can't hide, you're probably looking for an excuse
隠せないはずの今日は 明日は終わるだろう
Today, which I can't hide, tomorrow will end
あぁ このまま続けてくれ 抜群なBeatと 戯れ
Ah, please continue this Excellent Beat, and play
昨日と今日とも 違うハザマ スペシャルな時間 誰もそう
Yesterday and today, different limits, a special time Like everyone else, right now
きらめく この夜空の下 リラックスしきった 仲間にすら
Under this twinkling night sky Even to my completely relaxed companion
笑って流せるぐらいになれれば 新しい明日は近いぜ Come On
If I can become the kind of person who can laugh it off New tomorrows are close, Come On
遠のき近づく 今日明日も 迷ったら戻ってくるよ また
Moving away and coming closer, today and tomorrow If I get lost I'll come back again
薄れた希望も 抱いた夢も 何もかもどこかで記憶に残る
The faded hopes, the dreams I had Everything remains somewhere in my memory
満たしたは枯れ 逃がしたままで 終わりも無ければ 始めればいい
Satisfaction withers, and escapes it's fate There is no end, so I can start over
そして笑って出会う そんな朝へ 向かって行く Brand New Days
And I'll meet you with a smile On the way to such a morning, Towards Brand New Days

Writer(s): Bikke, Dj Mitsu, Edward Prince Green, 川辺浩志, 渡辺俊美

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