ph1l feat. notimage - celydenn - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ph1l feat. notimage - celydenn

Aj keď mám plne dms cakam kym napises
Even though my DMs are full, I wait for you to message
Ale keď ma vidis otocis sa ideš prec
But when you see me, you turn around and walk away
Vysvetľujem ti veci ale ty nechapes
I explain things to you, but you don't understand
V hlave iba bordel uskosti a fuckin stress
My head is filled with chaos, anxiety, and fucking stress
Vždy kwd mám den napicu preto mám fit all black
When I have a bad day, I wear all black
Musím si vyvetrat v hlave sfajcim pack
I need to clear my mind, so I smoke a pack
Vzdyked som pri tebe tak sa mi zvyšuje tep
Whenever I'm with you, my heart races
Cítim sa jak uzi lebo all my friends are dead
I feel high, because all my friends are dead
Zmenim sa na prach koli tebe
I'll turn to dust for you
Zase vyjebany blackout neviem čo sa deje
Another blackout, I don't know what's going on
Cely den cakam na to len kým bude vecer
I wait all day for the night
Aj keď je to ako chce neviem verit tejto žene
Even though it's what you want, I can't trust you
Pullup pullup nové clothes nový benztruck
Pull up in new clothes, new Benz truck
Som tak fucking cool vseci chceli by ma zpoznat
I'm so cool, everyone wants to know me
Všetky oci namne lebo vedia že som best yeah
All eyes on me, because they know I'm the best
Zarabam tie love ty si myslis ze som dead
I'm making money, you think I'm dead
Skryvam sa za stenami, som lost a neviem kde
Hiding behind walls, I'm lost and don't know where I am
Vlastne ja som loner ktory nema ziadnych friends
I'm a loner with no friends
Dost hudby v mojej hlave kym si ty uzivas stres
Music fills my head while you stress
Deti flexia s money kym my smoking cely den (den)
Kids flex their money, while we smoke all day (day)
Vonku raining cely den tak kam pojdeme dnes?
It's raining outside all day, where can we go?
Jedine co mi chyba si ty a to vies
The only thing I'm missing is you, and you know it
Pozeraju na mna lebo som na vine
They're staring at me because I'm the guilty one
Ked ma stretnu tak sa pytaju kam idem
They ask me where I'm going when they see me
Ja ich neriesim lebo su pussies a nemaju fame
I ignore them because they're pussies with no fame

Writer(s): Notimage

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