ph1l - heartl0cked - freestyle - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ph1l - heartl0cked - freestyle

heartl0cked - freestyle
heartl0cked - freestyle
Možem na vás jebať
I can fuck you
A vy asi nieste real
You are probably not real
Prečo by som vyjebanej kurve takto moc veril
Why did I believe so much in a fucking whore like this
Kebyže som to vedel skor tak sa radsej odstrelím
If I knew that earlier I would rather shoot myself
A ďalej nedavaj vedieť skapem od bolesti
And don't you dare to let me know any further. I'm dying of pain
Nechem ísť dnu
I don't want to go inside
Nechcem ísť von
I don't want to go out
Ani nikam
Nepotrebujem nikoho pri sebe, chcem byť sám
I don't need anyone around, I want to be alone
Moje srdce drahé preto ho nikomu nedám
My heart is precious that's why I won't give it to anyone
Raz sa predávkujem zajebem že ja odlietam
I'll overdose and fly away
I have
Strašne veľa myslienok
Lots of thoughts
Im trynna keep it together
I try to keep it together
Detroit runners ktoré zakrývaju baggy
Detroit runners covered by baggy
Aj keď mám len 15 hoe ma volá daddy
Although I'm only 15 some hoes call me daddy
Cruizin down the street naše straps niesu semi
Cruising down the street our straps are not semis
Dalšiu flašu fakt ne sto-sto-stop it
Another bottle, stop it, stop it
Je mi zle
I'm sick
Poppnem pill zase hrame roblox
I pop a pill while playing roblox
Click click headsh0t!! zas nemáme robux
Click click headshot!! We don't have robux again
Mampiči celu slovenčinu
Girls, I'll eat the whole Slovak language
Nechce sa mi učiť
I don't feel like studying
Na pičovinu skurvenú
That fucking bullshit
Snažím sa si život poskladať
I'm trying to put my life together
Jazdíme v ciernom benzee
We are driving in a black Benz
Čakám kedy mi na instagrame
I'm waiting when on Instagram
Možem na vás jebať
I can fuck you
A vy asi nieste real
You are probably not real
Prečo by som vyjebanej kurve takto moc veril
Why did I believe so much in a fucking whore like this
Kebyže som to vedel skor tak sa radsej odstrelím
If I knew that earlier I would rather shoot myself
A ďalej nedavaj vedieť skapem od bolesti
And don't you dare to let me know any further. I'm dying of pain
Nechem ísť dnu
I don't want to go inside
Nech Nech Nechcem ísť nikam
I don't I don't I don't want to go anywhere
Nepotrebujem nikoho pri sebe, chcem byť sám
I don't need anyone around, I want to be alone
Som pri sebe, chcem byť sám
I'm with myself, I want to be alone
Preto ho nikomu nedám
That's why I won't give it to anyone
Raz sa predávkujem zajebem že ja odlietam
I'll overdose and fly away

Writer(s): Philip Mraz

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