pinocchioP - SLoWMoTIoN - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction pinocchioP - SLoWMoTIoN

すろぉもぉしょん ゆっくり変わってゆく
Slowly changing, in slow motion
コンビニよって 弁当買って
Stopping at the convenience store to buy a boxed meal
部屋に帰って テレビを見てた
Going back to my room and watching TV
クイズの答え 妥協と知って
Knowing that the answer to the quiz is a compromise
夢と答える ボケを続けて
Continuing to answer with the old joke of "dream"
熱が出ちゃって 薬を飲んで
Getting a fever and taking medicine
布団潜って 目を閉じていた
Going under the covers in bed and closing my eyes
君のマヌケな 顔が浮かんで
Your silly face comes to mind
まだ死にたくない なんてのぼせながら
Feverishly thinking, "I don't want to die yet."
十代 ドヤ顔で悟った人
As a teenager, acting smug, thinking you have it all figured out
二十代 恥に気づいた人
In your twenties, realizing how shameful you were
三十代 身の丈知った人
In your thirties, finally understanding your limitations
そのどれもが全部 同じ人
But in the end, they're all the same person
汗をかいて 寝巻きを着替えたら
After sweating and changing into my pajamas
時計の針 午前零時
The clock strikes midnight
この曲は今 一分とちょっと
This song is now a little over a minute long
あなたは今 生まれて何年?
How many years have you been alive?
すろぉもぉしょん 幼少から老年まで
From childhood to old age, in slow motion
こんでぃしょん 躁鬱の乱高下で
With extreme ups and downs in my manic-depressive state
粘着でも 不精でもない愛 ひとつ届けたいのに
I want to deliver a love that isn't clingy or lazy, but I can't
こみゅにけぇしょん 狙いすぎは滑って
I try too hard to communicate, and it just comes off as awkward
おぉでぃしょん 審美眼も老眼になって
My sense of beauty is fading with age, and I'm becoming nearsighted
恥の多い生涯なんて 珍しいもんじゃないし
A life full of shame is nothing special
It's okay.
好みによって パーツいじって
Changing my body based on my preferences
愛を与える ビジネス知って
Learning about the business of giving love
過ぎた時間と この瞬間と
The past, the present, and the future
残り時間が 深夜混ざって
All blending together in the depths of the night
咳が酷くて 水飲み干して
My coughing is severe, and I drink all of the water
深呼吸して また考えた
Taking a deep breath, thinking again
鼻をすすって 平和願って
Sniffling, praying for peace
くしゃみをしたら 吹き飛ぶ諸行無常を
Sneezing away the impermanence of all things
かつては 無邪気に笑えた人
Once, a person who laughed innocently
つまづいても 涙こらえた人
Tripped and fell, but held back the tears
だんだん くたびれた顔の人
Your face gradually becoming more worn and tired
そして しわの増えた 同じ人
And now, the same person with wrinkles
ぬるくなった 冷えピタを取り替えて
I replace the cold pack that has become lukewarm
時間は まだ丑三つ時
It's still the hour of the ox
この曲は残り 二分とちょっと
This song has a little over two minutes remaining
あなたの寿命は あと何年?
How many more years do you have left to live?
ぐらでゅえぃしょん 入学から卒業まで
From entering school to graduating
ぱぁてぃしょん 水面下で喧嘩しあって
Fighting under the surface, pretending
忘れちゃいけないこと以外は どうでもよくなりゃいいのに
It would be nice if I could just forget everything except what's truly important
いまじねぇしょん 刺激で鈍化しちゃって
My imagination has become dull from all the stimulation
れりじょん 盲目な先入観で
Blindly following my preconceived notions, like a religion
変顔のイカス遺影だって あざといとつつかれる
Even an edgy, cool-looking posthumous photo would be criticized as being too self-serving
That's just how it is.
のらりくらり のたうちまわり
Writhing around, half-heartedly
じわりじわり 見覚えのない場所に
Slowly drifting to an unfamiliar place
感傷 感傷に 身をやつしても
Even if I wallow in sentimentality
へっくしょん へっくしょん くしゃみは馬鹿っぽいな
A sneeze is such a foolish thing
ぐーすぴー ぐーすぴー 鼻づまりの笛を
A whistle of a stuffy nose
合図に 夜が明けてく
As a signal that the night is ending
すろぉもぉしょん 朝になって熱引いて
In slow motion, the fever subsiding in the morning
こんでぃしょん 快晴の青天井で
The sky is clear and blue, a perfect day
反省したり 調子こいたり のんびり くたばっていく
Reflecting on my past, feeling smug, and slowly dying
すろぉもぉしょん アイドルだって歳くって
Idols too, age in slow motion
わいどしょう 賑わせて骨になって
Eventually becoming bones as part of the scenery
生まれた時と最後の時が ゆっくり繋がる 不思議
The strange connection between the moment of birth and the final moment
こんびねぇしょん 良い人に出会うため
To meet a good person, that's the combination
くえすちょん 良い人ってどんなんかね?
The question is, what is a good person?
恥の多い生涯なんて どんがらがっちゃんそれそれ
A life full of shame, no big deal
すっからかんのほれほれ 珍しいもんじゃないし
Empty and hollow, nothing special
It's okay.
In slow motion...
Slowly coming to an end

Writer(s): Pinocchiop

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