pinocchioP - 胸いっぱいのダメを - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction pinocchioP - 胸いっぱいのダメを

Chest full of "Bad"
空気が読めないからダメ 心を見透かしてはダメ
Because you can't read the atmosphere, "bad." Because you can see right through my heart, "bad."
押柄な接客はダメ 偉そうにする客もダメ
Pushy service, "bad." Arrogant customers, "bad."
流行りに流されたらダメ 流されず腐ってもダメ
If you follow the trend, "bad." If you don't follow the trend and become bitter, "bad."
簡単に凹むからダメ 無神経ならもっとダメ
Because you get depressed easily, "bad." If you're insensitive, even more "bad."
夢ばかりをみて 目の前のこと ないがしろにしちゃダメ
Because you only see dreams, and neglect the things in front of you, "bad."
現実ばかり みていても 気持ちが暗くなるからダメ
Because you only see reality, and your feelings become dark, "bad."
勝手にプリン食べちゃダメ カレーに毒を盛っちゃダメ
You shouldn't eat pudding without permission, "bad." You shouldn't put poison in curry, "bad."
ダメダメいうのもダメだ その着地点もダメだ
Saying "bad" is also "bad." That conclusion is also "bad."
迷いながら 正解こじらせて進もう
While wandering, let's muddle through to the correct answer.
胸いっぱいのダメを 胸いっぱいのダメを 胸いっぱいのダメをかき集めて
A chest full of "bad." A chest full of "bad." A chest full of "bad." Gather them up
死にたくて 生きたくて その中間に 投げたんだ
Because you wanted to die, and to live. That's what you threw in the middle.
中学生のダメを 高校生のダメを この人生のダメを抱えたまま
A middle schooler's "bad." A high schooler's "bad." Embracing this life's "bad."
ダメでもいいじゃないか なんてね 騙されちゃダメ
It's okay to be "bad," you say. But don't be fooled.
無責任な本音はダメ テキトーなゴマすりもダメ
Irresponsible honesty is "bad." Superficial flattery is also "bad."
順番抜かしをしちゃダメ そいつをぶん殴っちゃダメ
Don't cut in line, "bad." Don't beat them up, "bad."
優しさにすぐ惚れちゃダメ 厳しさにすぐ泣いちゃダメ
Don't fall for kindness right away, "bad." Don't cry over harshness right away, "bad."
いつかは死んじゃうからダメ 不老不死ならもっとダメ
Because you'll die someday, "bad." If you're immortal, even more "bad."
前向きになれと 明るい気持ちの押し売りをしちゃダメ
Telling me to be positive and cheerful is "bad."
後ろ向き過ぎて 悲しい気持ちに酔っぱらってもダメ
Getting too negative and indulging in sadness is also "bad."
ゲームでムキになっちゃダメ チートで調子こいちゃダメ
Don't get too fired up over games, "bad." Don't get cocky with cheats, "bad."
ダメダメいうのもダメだ すべて許すのもダメだ
Saying "bad" is also "bad." Forgiving everything is also "bad."
悩みながら たまにふざけながら 紐解いていこう
While worrying, and sometimes joking around, let's unravel it.
海いっぱいのダメを 山いっぱいのダメを ビルいっぱいのダメを探しながら
An ocean full of "bad." A mountain full of "bad." A building full of "bad." Search for them
逃げたくて 追いかけて 靴底に 貼りついたんだ
Because you wanted to escape, and to chase. That's what stuck to the soles of your shoes.
商業主義のダメを 完璧主義のダメを 相対主義のダメを履き違えて
Commercialism's "bad." Perfectionism's "bad." Relativism's "bad." You've got them all wrong.
全部がダメじゃないか なんてね サジ投げちゃダメ
Isn't everything "bad?" you say. But don't give up.
ダメダメ 恐怖を煽って 印象操作するのはダメ
"Bad, bad." Fanning the flames of fear and manipulating impressions is "bad."
ダメダメ 訴えながら 焼き肉がほんとうまくてダメ
Bad, bad. Making excuses while the barbecue is really delicious is "bad."
ダメダメ 狭い視野はダメ ダメダメなものって 何でダメ
"Bad, bad." A narrow視野 is "bad." "Bad" things, why are they "bad?"
あれもダメで これもダメで 心が狭くなってたのは何故
Why is my heart so narrow, with this and that being "bad?"
この国のダメを この世界のダメを この宇宙のダメを書き加えて
Adding this country's "bad," this world's "bad," this universe's "bad."
壊したり 直したり お祭りをしたりするんだ
Let's break it, fix it, have a festival.
胸いっぱいのダメを 胸いっぱいのダメを 胸いっぱいのダメをかき集めて
A chest full of "bad." A chest full of "bad." A chest full of "bad." Gather them up
死にたくて 生きたくて すぐに美化したがるんだ
Because you wanted to die, and to live. And so you quickly beautify it.
中学生のダメを 高校生のダメを 大学生のダメを 社会人のダメを
A middle schooler's "bad." A high schooler's "bad." A college student's "bad." A working adult's "bad."
小学生のダメを 赤ん坊のダメを 惚(ぼ)け老人のダメを
An elementary schooler's "bad." A baby's "bad." A senile old man's "bad."
胸いっぱいの偽善を 胸いっぱいの悪意を 胸いっぱいの殺意を 胸いっぱいの愛を
A chest full of hypocrisy. A chest full of malice. A chest full of killing intent. A chest full of love.
胸いっぱいのダメを 胸いっぱいのダメを 抱えながら行こう
A chest full of "bad." A chest full of "bad." Let's go with it.

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