poggioli - algoritme - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction poggioli - algoritme

L'algoritme estava tan ben fet que ens vam oblidar
The algorithm was so well made that we forgot
De les altres coses que havíem de fer
About the other things we had to do
I vam inventar-nos tantes coses
And we invented so many things
Per fer-nos les coses que ja havíem après
To do the things we had already learned
Hi ha cua a l'òptica universitària
There's a queue at the university optician's
Perquè els joves no ho veuen clar
Because young people can't see clearly
És apendicitis, que hi ha passa
It's appendicitis, that's what's happening
Diuen no et mediquis, els metges autodidactes
They say don't medicate yourself, the self-taught doctors
Dona'm engagement, dona'm engagement, que em servirà
Give me engagement, give me engagement, it will be useful to me
Mals d'amors, mals de panxa, males amistats
Heartaches, stomachaches, bad friendships
Dona'm engagement, que em servirà
Give me engagement, it will be useful to me
Vlogeja lo feliç que ets
Vlog how happy you are, baby
Inverteix els beneficis en ser-ho encara més
Invest the profits in being even happier
Yes yes yes
Yes yes yes
Alcoholics addictes camuflats en lifestyle
Addicted alcoholics camouflaged in lifestyle
I al Montseny nena mira quin skyline
And in Montseny, baby, look at that skyline
Uns edificis superxulos
Some super cool buildings
Una caixa ètica i allà hi posarem un Esclat
An ethical box and we'll put an Esclat supermarket there
Però quan esclati tot on t'amagaràs?
But when everything explodes, where will you hide?
I ara em passo els dies a una terrassa
And now I spend my days on a terrace
Criticant a gent que no conec, i a gent que conec massa
Criticizing people I don't know, and people I know too well
Recomano pelis que no he vist
I recommend movies I haven't seen
Llibres que no he llegit, perquè soc guai, i això és així
Books I haven't read, because I'm cool, and that's how it is
Pelis que no he vist, llibres que no he llegit
Movies I haven't seen, books I haven't read
perquè soc guai, i això és així
because I'm cool, and that's how it is
Dona'm engagement, dona'm engagement, que em servirà
Give me engagement, give me engagement, it will be useful to me
Mals d'amors, mals de panxa, males amistats
Heartaches, stomachaches, bad friendships
Dona'm engagement, que em servirà
Give me engagement, it will be useful to me

Writer(s): Miki Poggioli

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