poggioli - la meva amiga - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction poggioli - la meva amiga

la meva amiga
My Friend
No sóc violent i mai ho seré
I'm not violent and I never will be
Però per tu buidava un carregador sencer
But for you, I'd empty a whole magazine
Hi ha diners, hi ha diners per tothom
There's money, there's money for everyone
I qui diu que no, és perquè en molts
And whoever says no, it's because they have a lot
El que em molesta més
What bothers me the most
És el que no
Is what I don't know
que si et tinc al costat
I know that if I have you by my side
No em passarà mai res
Nothing will ever happen to me
Tant de bo coneguis a algú que t'agrada de veritat
I hope you meet someone you really like
Que jo allà sempre estaré
I'll always be there
Tant de bo coneguis a algú que t'agrada de veritat
I hope you meet someone you really like
Que jo allà sempre estaré
I'll always be there
Truca'm de matinada
Call me in the middle of the night
Que jo allà sempre estaré
I'll always be there
Truca'm de matinada
Call me in the middle of the night
Que jo allà sempre estaré
I'll always be there
Truca'm de matinada
Call me in the middle of the night
Que jo allà sempre estaré
I'll always be there
Truca'm de matinada
Call me in the middle of the night
Que jo allà sempre estaré
I'll always be there
Truca'm de matinada
Call me in the middle of the night
Truca'm de matinada
Call me in the middle of the night
Truca'm de matinada
Call me in the middle of the night
Que jo allà sempre estaré
I'll always be there
Tu m'ajudes jo t'ajudo amb tot
You help me, I help you with everything
T'estimo molt, t'estimo molt
I love you so much, I love you so much
que et vull tenir sempre al costat
I know I want to always have you by my side
El nostre amor no es pot comparar
Our love can't be compared
L'univers ens queda petit
The universe is too small for us
Ja veurem on anem després
We'll see where we go next
Hi ha més, hi ha més, creu-me que hi ha més
There's more, there's more, believe me there's more
Si vol dir tant per tu
If it means so much to you
Llavors ho és tot per mi
Then it's everything to me
Et porto flors a casa
I'll bring you flowers home
Si, si
Yes, yes
Si vol dir tant per tu
If it means so much to you
Llavors ho és tot per mi
Then it's everything to me
Et porto flors a casa
I'll bring you flowers home
Tinc, tinc
I have, I have
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Mentre aquestes noies em feien mal
While these girls were hurting me
Tu sempre has estat allà
You were always there
Però les cançons anaven per elles
But the songs were about them
I és culpa meva
And it's my fault
I m'estimo als meus amics
And I love my friends
Però quan em poso emocional
But when I get emotional
Amb ells no és tan senzill
It's not so easy with them
I quan vas acabar d'escoltar el disc
And when you finished listening to the album
Em vas dir estic orgullosa però
You told me I'm proud but
Perque sempre escrius sobre les noies que no et fan
Why do you always write about the girls who don't treat you right
I jo què? Però quan rius tot sentit
And what about me? But when you laugh everything makes sense
Ets la meva copilot per sempre tinc
You're my co-pilot forever I have
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart
Tinc les teves inicials tatuades al cor
I have your initials tattooed on my heart

Writer(s): Galgo Lento, Miki Lloret Poggioli

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