san mattia - Liecht us - traduction des paroles en anglais

Liecht us - san mattiatraduction en anglais

Liecht us
Liecht us
Bring uns noch so einen
Bring me one more like this
I ha ke Eyes für di, ha ke Time für di
I have no eyes for you, I have no time for you
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I bi ir Nacht und i wirde wach
I'm in the night and I'm waking up
I ha ke Plan für ds und i hasse ds
I have no plan for this and I hate it
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I ha ds Feeling
I have that feeling
Yeah, und was machsch du wenn der z Liecht usgeit?
Yeah, and what do you do when the light goes out?
I ha so viu dänkt u no nix drus gseit, yeah
I have thought so much and said nothing about it, yeah
Hesch du dir eigentlech schomau überleit
Have you ever actually thought
Dass hie aues woni care drüber immer ufem Spiu steit?
That everything here that I care about is always at stake?
Shit, i denke i ha scho z viu gseit
Shit, I think I've said too much
I bi nümme gnue für di wenn du eifach scho z viu weisch
I'm not enough for you anymore if you just know too much
Und iz bini eh scho viu z faded
And now I'm already too faded
Hamer vorgnoh aues z schaffe, aber isch zu viu leider
We planned to do everything, but it's too much unfortunately
Yeah, i ha e chli zu viu lately, au di Lüt playe mi
Yeah, I have a little too much lately, even people are playing me
Doch nid im Streaming, sondern Face to Face
But not in streaming, but face to face
Wott da use aber gseh di Reihe ni, wott emau freier si
I want to get out of there but I see you in line, I want to be freer
Das isch aues, doch i zeue Days
That's all, but I count the days
Und i kreise um mi säuber, gimer aues ufe Täuer
And I'm circling around myself, giving everything to you
Doch i bi ersch drann am Chäuer, figg Versteuerei
But I'm just chewing on it, fuck the misunderstanding
Und schowider sone Day verbi
And another day like this goes by
Wenni d Wörter nid ir Luft cha catche fade si, yeah
If I can't catch the words in the air, they fade, yeah
Irri ume oder bini right? I weiss es ni, yeah
Am I lost or am I right? I don't know, yeah
Doch häbe düre, oh my God, i beeile mi
But I have a breakthrough, oh my God, I'm in a hurry
I ha ke Eyes für di, ha ke Time für di
I have no eyes for you, I have no time for you
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I bi ir Nacht und i wirde wach
I'm in the night and I'm waking up
I ha ke Plan für ds und i hasse ds
I have no plan for this and I hate it
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I ha ds Feeling
I have that feeling
Yeah, i ha ds Feeling ds aus irgendwie passt
Yeah, I have the feeling that somehow it fits
Lug i ergriffe di Chance, lueg ds i nüt verpasse
I'm looking to take my chance, look I won't miss it
Doch s geit immer bizzli abe nachem Ufe so wi Flugzüg
But it always goes down a bit after going up like airplanes
Mängisch Blitze i de Ouge, mängisch gsehni Unghüür
Sometimes lightning in my eyes, sometimes I see monsters
Spooky, doch i bi hie u keepes loopy
Spooky, but I'm here and keep it loopy
I bi iz grad am Progress amne new me, e Movie
I'm now making progress on a new me, a movie
So furious, i burne i der Zone so wi der Busch bi Moses
So furious, I burn in the zone like the bush with Moses
Personality Bonus, au di Pisser si soulless
Personality bonus, even those bastards are soulless
I bine Punker so wi Misfits
I'm a punk like the Misfits
Weg mir wünsche sech Kiddies Cubase Elements für Christmas
The kids wish for Cubase Elements for Christmas
I cha nid verstah us wellem Plastik du so gschnitzt bisch
I can't understand from what plastic you are carved
Sueche nachem Sinn hinger de Wörter, doch da isch nix
Searching for the meaning behind the words, but there's nothing
Yeah, ke Energie für das es duet mer Leid
Yeah, no energy for that, I'm sorry
S git immer chli viu, bi o es bizzli im Fium, yeah
There's always a little too much, I'm also a little in the flow, yeah
I bi grad am läse was i de Stärne steit
I'm just reading what's in the stars
Wöu weiss no ni wos häregeit
Because I still don't know where it's going
I ha ke Eyes für di, ha ke Time für di
I have no eyes for you, I have no time for you
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I bi ir Nacht und i wirde wach
I'm in the night and I'm waking up
I ha ke Plan für ds und i hasse ds
I have no plan for this and I hate it
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I ha ds Feeling
I have that feeling
I ha ke Eyes für di, ha ke Time für di
I have no eyes for you, I have no time for you
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I bi ir Nacht und i wirde wach
I'm in the night and I'm waking up
I ha ke Plan für ds doch mir schaffe ds
I have no plan for this, but we're making it
Wenn z Liecht usgeit, wennmer z Liecht usgeit, eyah
When the light goes out, when the light goes out, eyah
I ha ds Feeling
I have that feeling
Yeah, d Sunne schiint uf mi, i bi blessed
Yeah, the sun shines on me, I'm blessed
I bi blessed im Studio
I'm blessed in the studio
Ds nimmi när wider use aber ds...
I won't take it out again but...
Ds isch ech gad Mood so, weisch wasi meine?
This is just my mood, you know what I mean?

Writer(s): Dan Mueri

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