san mattia - wär het gseit? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction san mattia - wär het gseit?

wär het gseit?
Who said that?
Bring uns noch soeinen...
Give us another one like this...
Cha me sech ja nid geh, WHAAAACK!
You can't go there, WHAAAACK!
I lose ni, i lose nid uf di, ne
I never lose, I don't lose to you, no
I lose nid uf Dummies womi immer wei a Bode zieh
I don't lose to dummies who always want to drag me down
I luege ni, i luege nid uf di, ne
I never look, I don't look at you, no
I luege nid uf Dummies wo am System sini Huere si
I don't look at dummies who are the system's whores
I maches ni, i maches ni für di, ne
I don't do it, I don't do it for you, no
I maches ni für Dummies womer wei säge i packes ni
I don't do it for dummies who want to tell me I can't handle it
I renne ni, i renne nid für di, ne
I don't run, I don't run for you, no
I renne nid für Dummies wo i mim Struggle am penne si
I don't run for dummies who are sleeping on my struggle
Wär het gseit du bisch iz invouviert i mini Wäut?
Who said you're involved in my world?
Wär het gseit du chasch di innechoufe mit dim gfiggte Geud?
Who said you can buy your way in with your fucked up money?
Wär het gseit me brucht nur paar Minute fürne neue Hit?
Who said it only takes a few minutes for a new hit?
Wär het gseit i bi nid jede Tag on fire für de Shit?
Who said I'm not on fire for this shit every day?
Wär het gseit 100 Prozänt selfmade isch nid underrated?
Who said being 100 percent self-made isn't underrated?
Wär het gseit i wirde de wo aus es One Hit Wonder scheiteret
Who said I'll be the one who fails as a one-hit wonder?
Wär het gseit i mache nume Songs zum Thema Comic Sans
Who said I only make songs about Comic Sans?
Wär het gseit i bi viu z ärnscht und ou ds Schema woni ha?
Who said I'm too serious and also the scheme I have?
Wer het gseit ds mini aute Songs kei Inhaut hei?
Who said my old songs have no substance?
Bitch, sogar Kill San Mattia het meh aus dis ganze Tape
Bitch, even Kill San Mattia has more than your whole tape
Aui säge rappe isch es Bussines oder isch es Game, shit
Everyone says rapping is a business or it's a game, shit
Doch wo isch da Bussines? Dir verchoufet aui same lame Shit
But where's the business? You're all selling the same lame shit
Los mau wini spitt
Let's see how he spits
Nid uf öiem Grid, wöu i bi ke lame Bitch
Not on your grid, because I'm not a lame bitch
Denksch du bisch der Shit? Shit! Du bisch höchstens Shit!
You think you're the shit? Shit! You're just shit!
Immer nur am rede, du bisch eifach nur verwirrt, jah...
Always talking, you're just confused, yeah...
I lose ni, i lose nid uf di, ne
I never lose, I don't lose to you, no
I lose nid uf Dummies womi immer wei a Bode zieh
I don't lose to dummies who always want to drag me down
I luege ni, i luege nid uf di, ne
I never look, I don't look at you, no
I luege nid uf Dummies wo am System sini Huere si
I don't look at dummies who are the system's whores
I maches ni, i maches ni für di, ne
I don't do it, I don't do it for you, no
I maches ni für Dummies womer wei säge i packes ni
I don't do it for dummies who want to tell me I can't handle it
I renne ni, i renne nid für di, ne
I don't run, I don't run for you, no
I renne nid für Dummies wo i mim Struggle am penne si
I don't run for dummies who are sleeping on my struggle
I penne ni, scho sitt i bi 15 gsi kenni ds ni
I don't sleep, I haven't known it since I was 15
1 am Morge, besti Zit für productiv am PC z si
1 am, the best time to be productive on the PC
I lüge ni, i bi würklech hard am bügle
I'm not lying, I'm really hard at work
Aber würkt ni so wöu i di eigete Ahsprüch nid cha erfüue
But it doesn't seem like it because I can't meet my own demands
Ig ha mängisch z Gfüeu ds i nid ready bi für au de Shit
Sometimes I feel like I'm not ready for all this shit
Und i denke öfters mini grosse Plän si nur e Witz
And I often think my big plans are just a joke
Und immer hett me z Gfüeü ds Angeri viu schneuer am renne si
And you always have the feeling that others are running much faster
Doch ig weiss nid wo düre zur Ziulinie wöu i gsehse ni
But I don't know where to go to the finish line because I've never seen it
(Hold up, hold up, yeah)
(Hold up, hold up, yeah)
E angre Schwizer Rapper hettmer gseit ir Schwiz da bruchts Sponsore
Another Swiss rapper told us you need sponsors in Switzerland
Süsch geits ni, süsch chasch vo dine Streams und Konzert nimau wohne
Otherwise it won't work, otherwise you can't even live from your streams and concerts
Iz läbt er vo Coke, bechunnt guet Cash und rappt vo Ferie
Now he lives on Coke, gets good cash and raps about holidays
Gäud, Froue und Fashion het er villech, doch ke Seele meh
Money, women and fashion he may have, but no soul anymore
Vili Mönsche säge geng was si aus no wei mache
Many people always say what they want to do
Wenni gseh was würklech chunnt muess i geng afa lache
When I see what's really coming, I always have to laugh
Wöu i weiss uf safe ds i genau der gliich dumm Liiri bi
Because I know for sure that I have exactly the same stupid lyrics
Immerhin ds Aubum jetz, wes whack isch, ja, de fiires ig
Anyway, the album now, which is whack, yes, I'll celebrate it
I lose ni, i lose nid uf di, ne
I never lose, I don't lose to you, no
I lose nid uf Dummies womi immer wei a Bode zieh
I don't lose to dummies who always want to drag me down
I luege ni, i luege nid uf di, ne
I never look, I don't look at you, no
I luege nid uf Dummies wo am System sini Huere si
I don't look at dummies who are the system's whores
I maches ni, i maches ni für di, ne
I don't do it, I don't do it for you, no
I maches ni für Dummies womer wei säge i packes ni
I don't do it for dummies who want to tell me I can't handle it
I renne ni, i renne nid für di, ne
I don't run, I don't run for you, no
I renne nid für Dummies wo i mim Struggle am penne si
I don't run for dummies who are sleeping on my struggle

Writer(s): Dan Mueri

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